This implementation takes a starting directory (defaults to the current directory) and has a few flags to set behaviour: --minsize, minimum file size to look at, defaults to 5 bytes; and --recurse, recurse into the directory structure, default True. It finds files of the same size, calculates hashes to compare, then reports files that hash the same.
use Digest::SHA256::Native;
sub MAIN( $dir = '.', :$minsize = 5, :$recurse = True ) {
my %files;
my @dirs = $dir.IO.absolute.IO;
while @dirs {
my @files = @dirs.pop;
while @files {
for @files.pop.dir -> $path {
%files{ $path.s }.push: $path if $path.f and $path.s >= $minsize;
@dirs.push: $path if $path.d and $path.r and $recurse
for %files.sort( +*.key ).grep( *.value.elems > 1)».kv -> ($size, @list) {
my %dups; { %dups{ sha256-hex( ($_.slurp :bin).decode ) }.push: $_.Str };
for %dups.grep( *.value.elems > 1)».value -> @dups {
say sprintf("%9s : ", scale $size ), @dups.join(', ');
sub scale ($bytes) {
given $bytes {
when $_ < 2**10 { $bytes ~ ' B' }
when $_ < 2**20 { ($bytes / 2**10).round(.1) ~ ' KB' }
when $_ < 2**30 { ($bytes / 2**20).round(.1) ~ ' MB' }
default { ($bytes / 2**30).round(.1) ~ ' GB' }
Passing in command line switches: --minsize=0 --recurse=False /home/me/p6