Radical of an integerRailway circuitRainbowRamanujan's constantRamanujan primesRamer-Douglas-Peucker line simplificationRamsey's theoremRandom Latin squaresRandom number generator deviceRandom number generator includedRandom numbersRandom sentence from bookRange consolidationRange expansionRange extractionRange modificationsRanking methodsRare numbersRaster barsRate counterRay-casting algorithmRCRPGRead a configuration fileRead a file character by characterRead a file line by lineRead a specific line from a fileRead entire fileReadline interfaceReal constants and functionsRecaman's sequenceRecord soundRecursive descent parser generatorReduced row echelon formReflectionRegular expressionsRemove duplicate elementsRemove lines from a fileRemove vowels from a stringRename a fileRendezvousRep-stringRepeatRepeat a stringRepunit primesResistance calculatorResistance network calculatorResistor meshRespond to an unknown method callRetrieve and search chat historyReturn multiple valuesReverse a stringReverse the gender of a stringReverse the order of lines in a text file while preserving the contents of each lineReverse words in a stringRhonda numbersRice codingRiordan numbersRIPEMD-160RobotsRock-paper-scissorsRodrigues rotation formulaRoman numeralsRoots of a cubic polynomialRoots of a functionRoots of a quadratic functionRoots of unityRosetta CodeRot-13Round-robin tournament scheduleRPG attributes generatorRSA codeRun-length encodingRun as a daemon or serviceRunge-Kutta methodRuntime evaluationRuth-Aaron numbers

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