This script expects to be fed a P6 .ppm file name at the command line. It will convert it to grey scale and save it as a binary portable grey map (P5 .pgm) file.
sub MAIN ($filename = 'default.ppm') {
my $in = open($filename, :r, :enc<iso-8859-1>) or die $in;
my ($type, $dim, $depth) = $in.lines[^3];
my $outfile = $filename.subst('.ppm', '.pgm');
my $out = open($outfile, :w, :enc<iso-8859-1>) or die $out;
for $in.lines.ords -> $r, $g, $b {
my $gs = $r * 0.2126 + $g * 0.7152 + $b * 0.0722;
$out.print: chr($gs.floor min 255);