
my @anagrams = 'unixdict.txt'.IO.words.classify(*.comb.sort.join).values;
my $max = @anagrams».elems.max;

.put for @anagrams.grep(*.elems == $max);


caret carte cater crate trace
angel angle galen glean lange
alger glare lager large regal
elan lane lean lena neal
evil levi live veil vile
abel able bale bela elba

Just for the fun of it, here's a one-liner that uses no temporaries. Since it would be rather long, we've oriented it vertically:

.put for                         # print each element of the array made this way:
    'unixdict.txt'.IO.words      # load words from file
    .classify(*.comb.sort.join)  # group by common anagram
    .classify(*.value.elems)     # group by number of anagrams in a group
    .max(*.key).value            # get the group with highest number of anagrams
    .map(*.value)                # get all groups of anagrams in the group just selected

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