class Camel { has Int $.humps = 1; }
my Camel $a .= new;
say $a.humps; # Automatically generated accessor method.
my Camel $b .= new: humps => 2;
say $b.humps;
A more complex example:
class Butterfly {
has Int $!age; # With the ! twigil, no public accessor method is generated
has Str $.name;
has Str $.color;
has Bool $.wings;
submethod BUILD(:$!name = 'Camelia', :$!age = 2, :$!color = 'pink') {
# BUILD is called by bless. Its primary use is to to control
# object initialization.
$!wings = $!age > 1;
method flap() {
say ($.wings
?? 'Watch out for that hurricane!'
!! 'No wings to flap.');
my Butterfly $a .= new: age => 5;
say "Name: {$}, Color: {$a.color}";
my Butterfly $b .= new(name => 'Osgood', age => 4);
say "Name: {$}, Color: {$b.color}";
Last updated
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