Sequence nth number with exactly n divisors

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sub div-count (\x) {
    return 2 if;
    +flat (1 .. x.sqrt.floor).map: -> \d {
        unless x % d { my \y = x div d; y == d ?? y !! (y, d) }

my $limit = 20;

my @primes = grep { .is-prime }, 1..*;
@primes[$limit]; # prime the array. SCNR

put "First $limit terms of OEIS:A073916";
put (1..$limit).hyper(:2batch).map: -> $n {
    ($n > 4 and $ ??
    exp($n - 1, @primes[$n - 1]) !!
    do {
        my $i = 0;
        my $iterator = $n %% 2 ?? (1..*) !! (1..*).map: *²;
        $iterator.first: {
            next unless $n == .&div-count;
            next unless ++$i == $n;


First 20 terms of OEIS:A073916
1 3 25 14 14641 44 24137569 70 1089 405 819628286980801 160 22563490300366186081 2752 9801 462 21559177407076402401757871041 1044 740195513856780056217081017732809 1520

Last updated

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