
Note that Raku does not attempt to be a printer driver. This example allows users to specify the dpi and paper size, then generates an image and passes it to the default printer. Defaults to 300 dpi and US letter paper.

unit sub MAIN ($dpi = 300, $size = 'letter');

my $filename = './Pinstripe-printer-perl6.png';

my %paper = (
    'letter' => { :width(8.5),    :height(11.0) }
    'A4'     => { :width(8.2677), :height(11.6929)}

my ($w, $h) = %paper{$size}<width height> »*» $dpi;

# Black. It's all black
my @color = (0,0,0),;

my $gap = floor $w % ($dpi * 8) / 2;

my $rows = (1, * * 2 … * > 8 * $dpi).elems;

my $height = $dpi * .8;

use Cairo;

my @colors = {|$_) };

given Cairo::Image.create(Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, $w, $h) -> $image {
    given$image) {
        my Cairo::Pattern::Solid $bg .= create(1,1,1);
        .rectangle(0, 0, $w, $h);
        my $y = $gap;
        for ^$rows -> $row {
            my $x = $gap;
            my $width = 8 * $dpi / (2 ** $row);
            for @colors -> $this {
                my $v = 0;
                while $x < ($dpi * 8) {
                    given$image) -> $block {
                        $block.rectangle($x, $y, $width, $height);
                    $x += $width * 2;
            $y += $height;

# Uncomment next line if you actually want to print it
#run('lp', $filename)

See Pinstripe-printer-perl6.png (offsite png image)

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