Sisyphus sequence
use Math::Primesieve;
use Lingua::EN::Numbers;
my ($exp1, $exp2, $limit1, $limit2) = 3, 8, 100, 250;
my ($n, $s0, $s1, $p, @S1, %S) = 1, 1, Any, Any, 1;
my $iterator =;
my @Nth = ($exp1..$exp2)».exp(10);
my $S2 =;
repeat {
$s1 = $s0 %% 2 ?? $s0 div 2 !! $s0 + ($p = $;
@S1.push: $s1 if $n ≤ $limit1;
$S2.add: $s1 if $s1 ≤ $limit2;
%S{$n}{'value', 'prime'} = $s1, $p if $n ∈ @Nth;
$s0 = $s1;
} until $n == @Nth[*-1];
say "The first $limit1 members of the Sisyphus sequence are:";
say @S1.batch(10)».fmt('%4d').join("\n") ~ "\n";
printf "%12sth member is: %13s with prime: %11s\n", ($_, %S{$_}{'value'}, %S{$_}{'prime'})».&comma for @Nth;
say "\nNumbers under $limit2 that do not occur in the first {comma @Nth[*-1]} terms:";
say (1..$limit2).grep: * ∉ $S2.keys;
say "\nNumbers under $limit2 that occur the most ({$S2.values.max} times) in the first {comma @Nth[*-1]} terms:";
say $S2.keys.grep({ $S2{$_} == $S2.values.max}).sort;
The first 100 members of the Sisyphus sequence are:
1 3 6 3 8 4 2 1 8 4
2 1 12 6 3 16 8 4 2 1
18 9 28 14 7 30 15 44 22 11
42 21 58 29 70 35 78 39 86 43
96 48 24 12 6 3 62 31 92 46
23 90 45 116 58 29 102 51 130 65
148 74 37 126 63 160 80 40 20 10
5 106 53 156 78 39 146 73 182 91
204 102 51 178 89 220 110 55 192 96
48 24 12 6 3 142 71 220 110 55
1,000th member is: 990 with prime: 2,273
10,000th member is: 24,975 with prime: 30,713
100,000th member is: 265,781 with prime: 392,111
1,000,000th member is: 8,820,834 with prime: 4,761,697
10,000,000th member is: 41,369,713 with prime: 55,900,829
100,000,000th member is: 1,179,614,168 with prime: 640,692,323
Numbers under 250 that do not occur in the first 100,000,000 terms:
36 72 97 107 115 127 144 167 194 211 214 230 232
Numbers under 250 that occur the most (7 times) in the first 100,000,000 terms:
7 14 28
Last updated
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