Dating agency
Welcome to the Arbitrary and Capricious Dating Agency, (We don't use zodiacs, but we're just as arbitrary!)
use Digest::SHA1::Native;
my %ladies = < Alice Beth Cecilia Donna Eunice Fran Genevieve Holly Irene Josephine Kathlene Loralie Margaret
Nancy Odelle Pamela Quinci Rhonda Stephanie Theresa Ursula Victoria Wren Yasmine Zoey >.map: -> $name {
$name => {
loves => :16(sha1-hex($name).substr(0,4)),
lovable => :16(sha1-hex($name).substr(*-4))
my %sailors = < Ahab Brutus Popeye >.map: -> $name {
$name => {
loves => :16(sha1-hex($name).substr(0,4)),
lovable => :16(sha1-hex($name).substr(*-4))
for %sailors.sort( *.key ) -> $sailor {
printf "%6s will like: ", $sailor.key;
say join ', ', my @likes = %ladies.sort( { abs $sailor.value.<loves> - .value.<loves> } ).head(10)».key;
print ' Is liked by: ';
say join ', ', my @liked = %ladies.sort( { abs $sailor.value.<lovable> - .value.<lovable> } ).head(10)».key;
my %matches;
for @liked.reverse Z, (1..10) { %matches{.[0]} += .[1] };
for @likes.reverse Z, (1..10) { %matches{.[0]} += .[1] };
say 'Best match(s): ' ~ %matches.grep(*.value == %matches.values.max)».key.sort.join(', ');
say '';
Ahab will like: Eunice, Ursula, Irene, Holly, Fran, Genevieve, Zoey, Donna, Cecilia, Alice
Is liked by: Nancy, Theresa, Victoria, Genevieve, Alice, Rhonda, Kathlene, Odelle, Eunice, Pamela
Best match(s): Eunice, Genevieve
Brutus will like: Beth, Nancy, Quinci, Odelle, Josephine, Kathlene, Theresa, Rhonda, Wren, Margaret
Is liked by: Yasmine, Margaret, Loralie, Holly, Wren, Fran, Quinci, Eunice, Alice, Victoria
Best match(s): Quinci
Popeye will like: Loralie, Theresa, Stephanie, Yasmine, Alice, Cecilia, Donna, Zoey, Nancy, Genevieve
Is liked by: Loralie, Margaret, Holly, Wren, Yasmine, Fran, Quinci, Eunice, Alice, Victoria
Best match(s): Loralie
Last updated
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