Count examples

Retrieves counts for both Tasks and Draft Tasks. Save / Display results as a sortable wikitable rather than a static list. Click on a column header to sort on that column. To do a secondary sort, hold down the shift key and click on a second column header. Tasks have a gray (default) background, Draft Tasks have a yellow background.

This example tracks the top 50 languages by number of examples completed but only generates reports in tiers of 10. More than 10 gets too heavy and difficult to navigate.

Feed it parameters to control behaviour:

Language names with spaces will have underscores inserted to make the results uniform. Some oddball languages (lookin' at you Icon and Unicon) make it very difficult to obtain accurate results. The whole "conglomerate all of the Basic dialects together" movement of a few years ago also complicates things, but this should be pretty close.

For a full output, see Top tier, Second tier, Third tier, Fourth tier

use HTTP::UserAgent;
use URI::Escape;
use JSON::Fast;
use Lingua::EN::Numbers :short;

unit sub MAIN ( Bool :nf(:$no-fetch) = False, :t(:$tier) = 1 );

# Friendlier descriptions for task categories
my %cat = (
    'Programming_Tasks' => 'Task',
    'Draft_Programming_Tasks' => 'Draft'

my $client =;
$client.timeout = 10;

my $url = '';

my $hashfile  = './RC_Task_count.json';
my $tablefile = "./RC_Task_count-{$tier}.txt";

my %tasks;

my @places = <① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳ ㉑ ㉒ ㉓ ㉔ ㉕
      ㉖ ㉗ ㉘ ㉙ ㉚ ㉛ ㉜ ㉝ ㉞ ㉟ ㊱ ㊲ ㊳ ㊴ ㊵ ㊶ ㊷ ㊸ ㊹ ㊺ ㊺ ㊻ ㊼ ㊽ ㊾ ㊿>;

# clear screen
run($* ?? 'cls' !! 'clear') unless $no-fetch;

my %counts =
        $url, 'pages',
        :gcmtitle<Category:Programming Languages>,
    .map({ .<title>.subst(/^'Category:'/, '') => .<categoryinfo><pages> || 0 });

my $per-tier = 10;

my $which = (^$per-tier) »+» $per-tier * ($tier - 1);

my @top-n = %counts.sort( {-.value, .key} )[|$which].map: *.key.trans(' ' => '_');

# dump a copy to STDOUT, mostly for debugging purposes
say "<pre>{tc $tier.&ord-n} {$per-tier.&card} programming languages by number of task examples completed:";
say '    ', join ' ', .map( {("{(@places[|$which])[$_]} {@top-n[$_]}").fmt("%-15s")} ) for (^@top-n).batch(5);
say "</pre>\n";

unless $no-fetch {

    note 'Retrieving task information...';

    mkdir('./pages') unless './pages'.IO.e;

    @top-n = %counts.sort( {-.value, .key} )[^@places].map: *.key.trans(' ' => '_');;

    for %cat.keys.sort -> $cat {
            $url, 'pages',
            my $page;
            my $response;

            loop {
                $response = $client.get("{ $url }/index.php?title={ uri-escape .<title> }&action=raw");
                if $ {
                    $page = $response.content;
                } else {

            "./pages/{ uri-escape .<title>.subst(/' '/, '_', :g) }".IO.spurt($page);
            my $lc = $' ' => '_');
            my $count = +$lc.comb(/ ^^'==' <-[\n=]>* '{{header|' <-[}]>+? '}}==' \h* $$ /);
            %tasks{.<title>} = {'cat' => %cat{$cat}, :$count};
            %tasks{.<title>}<top-n> = (^@top-n).map( {
                ($lc.contains("==\{\{header|{@top-n[$_].lc}}}") or
                 # Deal with 3 part headers - {{header|F_Sharp|F#}}, {{header|C_Sharp|C#}}, etc.
                 $lc.contains("==\{\{header|{@top-n[$_].lc}|")  or
                 # Icon and Unicon are their own special flowers
                 $lc.contains("}}_and_\{\{header|{@top-n[$_].lc}}}==") or
                 # Language1 / Language2 for shared entries (e.g. C / C++)
                 $lc.contains(rx/'}}''_'*'/''_'*'{{header|'$(@top-n[$_].lc)'}}=='/)) ??
                (@places[$_]) !!
                 # Check if the task was omitted
                 $lc.contains("\{\{omit_from|{@top-n[$_].lc}") ?? 'O' !!
                 # The task is neither done or omitted
                 ' '
            } ).join;
            print clear, 1 + $++, ' ', %cat{$cat}, ' ', .<title>;

    print clear;

    note "\nTask information saved to local file: {$hashfile.IO.absolute}";


# Load information from local file
%tasks = $hashfile.IO.e ?? $hashfile.IO.slurp.&from-json !! ( );

@top-n = %counts.sort( {-.value, .key} )[|$which].map: *.key.trans(' ' => '_');

# Convert saved task info to a table
note "\nBuilding table...";
my $count    = +%tasks;
my $taskcnt  = +%tasks.grep: *.value.<cat> eq %cat<Programming_Tasks>;
my $draftcnt = $count - $taskcnt;
my $total    = sum %tasks{*}»<count>;

# Dump table to a file
my $out = open($tablefile, :w)  or die "$!\n";

$out.say: "<pre>{tc $tier.&ord-n} {$per-tier.&card} programming languages by number of task examples completed:";
$out.say: '    ', join ' ', .map( {("{(@places[|$which])[$_]} {@top-n[$_]}").fmt("%-15s")} ) for (^@top-n).batch(5);
$out.say: "</pre>\n\n<div style=\"height:40em;overflow:scroll;\">";

# Add table boilerplate and caption
    '{|class="wikitable sortable"', "\n",
    "|+ As of { } :: Tasks: { $taskcnt } ::<span style=\"background-color:#ffd\"> Draft Tasks:",
    "{ $draftcnt } </span>:: Total Tasks: { $count } :: Total Examples: { $total }\n",

# Sort tasks by count then add row
for %tasks.sort: { [-.value<count>, .key] } -> $task {
      ( $task.value<cat> eq 'Draft'
        ?? "|- style=\"background-color: #ffc\"\n"
        !! "|-\n"
      "| { $task.value<count> }\n",
      ( $task.key ~~ /\d/
        ?? "|data-sort-value=\"{ $task.key.&naturally }\"| [[{uri-escape $task.key}|{$task.key}]]\n"
        !! "| [[{uri-escape $task.key}|{$task.key}]]\n"
      "|{ $task.value<top-n>.comb[|$which].join('||') }"

$out.say( "|}\n</div>" );

note "Table file saved as: {$tablefile.IO.absolute}";

sub mediawiki-query ($site, $type, *%query) {
    my $url = "$site/api.php?" ~ uri-query-string(
        :action<query>, :format<json>, :formatversion<2>, |%query);
    my $continue = '';

    gather loop {
        my $response = $client.get("$url&$continue");
        my $data = from-json($response.content);
        take $_ for $data.<query>.{$type}.values;
        $continue = uri-query-string |($data.<query-continue>{*}».hash.hash or last);

sub uri-query-string (*%fields) {{ "{.key}={uri-escape .value}" }).join("&") }

sub naturally ($a) { $\d+)/, ->$/ {0~(65+$0.chars).chr~$0},:g) }

sub clear { "\r" ~ ' ' x 116 ~ "\r" }


Top ten programming language by number of task examples completed:
① Go
② Perl 6
③ Kotlin
④ Python
⑤ Phix
⑥ Racket
⑦ Perl
⑧ C
⑨ Julia
⑩ Tcl

Last updated

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