McNuggets problem

No hard coded limits, no hard coded values. General purpose 3 value solver. Count values may be any 3 different positive integers, in any order, that are relatively prime.

Finds the smallest count value, then looks for the first run of consecutive count totals able to be generated, that is at least the length of the smallest count size. From then on, every number can be generated by simply adding multiples of the minimum count to each of the totals in that run.

sub Mcnugget-number (*@counts) {

    return '∞' if 1 < [gcd] @counts;

    my $min = min @counts;
    my @meals;
    my @min;

    for ^Inf -> $a {
        for 0..$a -> $b {
            for 0..$b -> $c {
                ($a, $b, $c) { @meals[ sum $_ Z* @counts ] = True }
        for @meals.grep: so *, :k {
            if @min.tail and @min.tail + 1 == $_ {
                @min.push: $_;
                last if $min == +@min
            } else {
                @min = $_;
        last if $min == +@min
    @min[0] ?? @min[0] - 1 !! 0

for (6,9,20), (6,7,20), (1,3,20), (10,5,18), (5,17,44), (2,4,6), (3,6,15) -> $counts {
    put "Maximum non-Mcnugget number using {$counts.join: ', '} is: ",


Maximum non-Mcnugget number using 6, 9, 20 is: 43
Maximum non-Mcnugget number using 6, 7, 20 is: 29
Maximum non-Mcnugget number using 1, 3, 20 is: 0
Maximum non-Mcnugget number using 10, 5, 18 is: 67
Maximum non-Mcnugget number using 5, 17, 44 is: 131
Maximum non-Mcnugget number using 2, 4, 6 is: ∞
Maximum non-Mcnugget number using 3, 6, 15 is: ∞

Last updated

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