use Lingua::EN::Numbers;
my @ppps = lazy (^∞).hyper(:5000batch).map(* × 2 + 1).grep: -> \n { my \k = n + 1; (1+k).is-prime && (n+k).is-prime && (n²+k).is-prime && (n³+k).is-prime && (n⁴+k).is-prime }
say "First thirty penta-power prime seeds:\n" ~ @ppps[^30].batch(10)».&comma».fmt("%9s").join: "\n";
say "\nFirst penta-power prime seed greater than:";
for 1..10 {
my $threshold = Int(1e6 × $_);
my $key = @ppps.first: * > $threshold, :k;
say "{$threshold.&cardinal.fmt: '%13s'} is the {ordinal-digit $key + 1}: {@ppps[$key].&comma}";
First thirty penta-power prime seeds:
1 5 69 1,665 2,129 25,739 29,631 62,321 77,685 80,535
82,655 126,489 207,285 211,091 234,359 256,719 366,675 407,945 414,099 628,859
644,399 770,531 781,109 782,781 923,405 1,121,189 1,158,975 1,483,691 1,490,475 1,512,321
First penta-power prime seed greater than:
one million is the 26th: 1,121,189
two million is the 39th: 2,066,079
three million is the 47th: 3,127,011
four million is the 51st: 4,059,525
five million is the 59th: 5,279,175
six million is the 63rd: 6,320,601
seven million is the 68th: 7,291,361
eight million is the 69th: 8,334,915
nine million is the 71st: 9,100,671
ten million is the 72nd: 10,347,035
Last updated
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