100 doors


my @doors = False xx 101;
(.=not for @doors[0, $_ ... 100]) for 1..100;
say "Door $_ is ", <closed open>[ @doors[$_] ] for 1..100;


say "Door $_ is open" for map {$^n ** 2}, 1..10;

probably the most compact idiom

say 'Door $_ is open' for (1..10)»²;

Here's a version using the cross meta-operator instead of a map:

 say "Door $_ is open" for 1..10 X** 2;

This one prints both opened and closed doors:

say "Door $_ is ", <closed open>[.sqrt == .sqrt.floor] for 1..100;

verbose version, but uses ordinary components

sub  output( @arr, $max ) {
    my $output = 1;
    for 1..^$max -> $index {
	if @arr[$index] {
	    printf "%4d", $index;
	    say '' if $output++ %%  10;
    say '';

sub MAIN ( Int :$doors = 100 ) {
    my $doorcount = $doors + 1;
    my @door[$doorcount] = 0 xx ($doorcount);
    for 1...^$doorcount -> $index {
        # flip door $index & its multiples, up to last door.
	for ($index, * + $index ... *)[^$doors] -> $multiple {
	    next INDEX if $multiple > $doors;
	    @door[$multiple] =  @door[$multiple] ?? 0 !! 1;
    output @door, $doors+1;


$ ./100_doors.pl6 -doors=100
   1   4   9  16  25  36  49  64  81

Last updated

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