What a horribly underspecified task. Ah well, gives me lots of wiggle room to cheat in various ways.
my ($rows,$cols) = qx/stty size/.words;my $v = floor $rows / 2;print"\e[H\e[J", 'Generating sine wave of zero amplitude and zero frequency for 5 seconds...',"\e[$v;0H", '_' x $cols;sleep 5;say"\e[H\e[J", 'No?, ok how about this:';use SVG;my $filename = 'sine.svg';my $out = open($filename, :w) orelse .die;$out.say: SVG.serialize( svg => [ width => 400, height => 150, style =>'stroke:rgb(0,0,255)', :rect[:width<100%>, :height<100%>, :fill<white>], :path[ :fill<none>, :d('M0,25 C36.42,25,63.58,125,100,125 M100,125 C136.42,125,163.58,25,200,25 M200,25 C236.42,25,263.58,125,300,125 M300,125 C336.42,125,363.58,25,400,25') ],
],);close $out;say"Sine wave generated to {$filename.IO.absolute}, better open it quickly...";sleep 5;unlink $filename;say'Oops, too late.';say'Still no? Ok how about:';shell 'play -n -c1 synth 5.0 sin %-12';