Happy numbers

sub happy (Int $n is copy --> Bool) {
  loop {
      state %seen;
      $n = [+] $n.comb.map: { $_ ** 2 }
      return True  if $n == 1;
      return False if %seen{$n}++;

say join ' ', grep(&happy, 1 .. *)[^8];


1 7 10 13 19 23 28 31

Here's another approach that uses a different set of tricks including lazy lists, gather/take, repeat-until, and the cross metaoperator X.

my @happy = lazy gather for 1..* -> $number {
    my %stopper = 1 => 1;
    my $n = $number;
    repeat until %stopper{$n}++ {
        $n = [+] $n.comb X** 2;
    take $number if $n == 1;

say ~@happy[^8];

Output is the same as above.

Here is a version using a subset and an anonymous recursion (we cheat a little bit by using the knowledge that 7 is the second happy number):

subset Happy of Int where sub ($n) {
    $n == 1 ?? True  !!
    $n < 7  ?? False !!
    &?ROUTINE([+] $n.comb »**» 2);
say (grep Happy, 1 .. *)[^8];

Again, output is the same as above. It is not clear whether this version returns in finite time for any integer, though.

There's more than one way to do it...

Last updated

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