There's More Than One Way To Do It.
Copy sub balanced ($s) {
my $l = 0;
for $s.comb {
when "]" {
return False if $l < 0;
when "[" {
return $l == 0;
my $n = prompt "Number of brackets" ;
my $s = (<[ ]> xx $n).flat.pick(*). join ;
say "$s {balanced($s) ?? " is " !! " is not "} well-balanced"
Here's a more idiomatic solution using a hyperoperator to compare all the characters to a backslash (which is between the brackets in ASCII), a triangle reduction to return the running sum, a given
to make that list the topic, and then a topicalized junction and a topicalized subscript to test the criteria for balance.
Copy sub balanced ($s) {
.none < 0 and .[*-1] == 0
given ([\+] '\\' «leg« $s.comb).cache;
my $n = prompt "Number of bracket pairs: " ;
my $s = <[ ]>.roll($n*2). join ;
say "$s { balanced($s) ?? " is " !! " is not " } well-balanced"
Of course, a Perl 5 programmer might just remove as many inner balanced pairs as possible and then see what's left.
Copy sub balanced ($_ is copy) {
Nil while s :g/'[]'//;
$_ eq '';
my $n = prompt "Number of bracket pairs: ";
my $s = <[ ]>.roll($n*2).join;
say "$s is", ' not' x not balanced($s), " well-balanced";
Copy grammar BalBrack { token TOP { '[' <TOP>* ']' } }
my $n = prompt "Number of bracket pairs: " ;
my $s = ( '[' xx $n, ']' xx $n).flat.pick(*). join ;
say "$s { BalBrack.parse($s) ?? " is " !! " is not " } well-balanced" ;