Logistic curve fitting in epidemiology
Original task numbers of cases per day as of April 05 plus updated, as of today, May 11 numbers.
my $K = 7_800_000_000; # population
my $n0 = 27; # cases @ day 0
my @Apr05 = <
27 27 27 44 44 59 59 59 59 59
59 59 59 60 60 61 61 66 83 219
239 392 534 631 897 1350 2023 2820 4587 6067
7823 9826 11946 14554 17372 20615 24522 28273 31491 34933
37552 40540 43105 45177 60328 64543 67103 69265 71332 73327
75191 75723 76719 77804 78812 79339 80132 80995 82101 83365
85203 87024 89068 90664 93077 95316 98172 102133 105824 109695
114232 118610 125497 133852 143227 151367 167418 180096 194836 213150
242364 271106 305117 338133 377918 416845 468049 527767 591704 656866
715353 777796 851308 928436 1000249 1082054 1174652
my @May11 = <
27 27 27 44 44 59 59 59 59 59
59 59 59 60 60 61 61 66 83 219
239 392 534 631 897 1350 2023 2820 4587 6067
7823 9826 11946 14554 17372 20615 24522 28273 31491 34933
37552 40540 43105 45177 60328 64543 67103 69265 71332 73327
75191 75723 76719 77804 78812 79339 80132 80995 82101 83365
85203 87026 89068 90865 93077 95316 98172 102133 105824 109695
114235 118613 125497 133853 143259 154774 167418 180094 194843 213149
242374 271116 305235 338235 377968 416881 468092 527839 591796 656834
715377 777187 851587 928491 1006063 1087822 1174306 1245601 1316988 1391881
1476792 1563819 1653160 1734868 1807256 1873639 1953786 2033745 2117297 2199460
2278484 2350993 2427353 2513399 2579823 2657910 2731217 2832750 2915977 2981542
3054404 3131487 3216467 3308341 3389459 3468047 3545486 3624789 3714816 3809262
3899379 3986931 4063525
sub logistic-func ($rate, @y) {
my $sq = 0;
for ^@y -> $time {
my $ert = exp($rate * $time);
my $δt = ($n0 * $ert) / (1 + $n0 * ($ert-1) / $K) - @y[$time];
$sq += $δt²;
sub solve (&f, $guess, \ε, @y) {
my $fₙ-minus;
my $fₙ-plus;
my $rate = $guess;
my $fₙ = f $rate, @y;
my $Δ = $rate;
my $factor = 2;
while $Δ > ε {
($fₙ-minus = f $rate - $Δ, @y) < $fₙ ??
do {
$fₙ = $fₙ-minus;
$rate -= $Δ;
$Δ *= $factor;
} !!
($fₙ-plus = f $rate + $Δ, @y) < $fₙ ??
do {
$fₙ = $fₙ-plus;
$rate += $Δ;
$Δ *= $factor;
} !!
$Δ /= $factor
for @Apr05, 'Dec 31 - Apr 5',
@May11, 'Dec 31 - May 11' -> @y, $period {
my $rate = solve(&logistic-func, 0.5, 0, @y);
my $R0 = exp(12 * $rate);
say "\nFor period: $period";
say "Instantaneous rate of growth: r = " , $rate.fmt('%08f');
say "Reproductive rate: R0 = ", $R0.fmt('%08f');
For period: Dec 31 - Apr 5
Instantaneous rate of growth: r = 0.112302
Reproductive rate: R0 = 3.848279
For period: Dec 31 - May 11
Instantaneous rate of growth: r = 0.093328
Reproductive rate: R0 = 3.064672
Last updated