Not the most efficient, but concise, and good enough for this task. Use the ntheory library for prime testing; gets it down to around 20 seconds.
use Lingua::EN::Numbers;
use ntheory:from<Perl5> <:all>;
my @cubans = lazy (1..Inf).map({ ($_+1)³ - .³ }).grep: *.&is_prime;
put @cubans[^200]».&comma».fmt("%9s").rotor(10).join: "\n";
put '';
put @cubans[99_999]., # zero indexed
After reading up a bit, the general equation for cuban primes is prime numbers of the form ((x+k)3 - x3)/k where k mod 3 is not equal 0.
The cubans where k == 1 (the focus of this task) is one of many possible groups. In general, it seems like the cubans where k == 1 and k == 2 are the two primary cases, but it is possible to have cubans with a k of any integer that is not a multiple of 3.
Here are the first 20 for each valid k up to 10:
sub comma { $^i.flip.comb(3).join(',').flip }
for 2..10 -> \k {
next if k %% 3;
my @cubans = lazy (1..Inf).map({ (($_+k)³ - .³)/k }).grep: *.is-prime;
put "First 20 cuban primes where k = {k}:";
put @cubans[^20]».&comma».fmt("%7s").rotor(10).join: "\n";
put '';
First 20 cuban primes where k = 2:
13 109 193 433 769 1,201 1,453 2,029 3,469 3,889
4,801 10,093 12,289 13,873 18,253 20,173 21,169 22,189 28,813 37,633
First 20 cuban primes where k = 4:
31 79 151 367 1,087 1,327 1,879 2,887 3,271 4,111
4,567 6,079 7,207 8,431 15,991 16,879 17,791 19,687 23,767 24,847
First 20 cuban primes where k = 5:
43 67 97 223 277 337 727 823 1,033 1,663
2,113 2,617 2,797 3,373 4,003 5,683 6,217 7,963 10,273 10,627
First 20 cuban primes where k = 7:
73 103 139 181 229 283 409 643 733 829
1,039 1,153 1,399 1,531 1,669 2,281 2,803 3,181 3,583 3,793
First 20 cuban primes where k = 8:
163 379 523 691 883 2,203 2,539 3,691 5,059 5,563
6,091 7,219 8,443 9,091 10,459 11,923 15,139 19,699 24,859 27,091
First 20 cuban primes where k = 10:
457 613 997 1,753 2,053 2,377 4,357 6,373 9,433 13,093
16,453 21,193 27,673 28,837 31,237 37,657 46,153 47,653 49,177 62,233
k == 2^128
Note that Raku has native support for arbitrarily large integers and does not need to generate primes to test for primality. Using k of 2^128; finishes in well under a second.
sub comma { $^i.flip.comb(3).join(',').flip }
my \k = 2**128;
put "First 10 cuban primes where k = {k}:";
.&comma.put for (lazy (0..Inf).map({ (($_+k)³ - .³)/k }).grep: *.is-prime)[^10];
First 10 cuban primes where k = 340282366920938463463374607431768211456: