Word search
my $rows = 10;
my $cols = 10;
my $message = q:to/END/;
my %dir =
'→' => (1,0),
'↘' => (1,1),
'↓' => (0,1),
'↙' => (-1,1),
'←' => (-1,0),
'↖' => (-1,-1),
'↑' => (0,-1),
'↗' => (1,-1)
my @ws = $message.comb(/<print>/);
my $path = './unixdict.txt'; # or wherever
my @words = $path.IO.slurp.words.grep( { $_ !~~ /<-[a..z]>/ and 2 < .chars < 11 } ).pick(*);
my %index;
my %used;
while @ws.first( * eq '.') {
# find an unfilled cell
my $i = @ws.grep( * eq '.', :k ).pick;
# translate the index to x / y coordinates
my ($x, $y) = $i % $cols, floor($i / $rows);
# find a word that fits
my $word = find($x, $y);
# Meh, reached an impasse, easier to just throw it all
# away and start over rather than trying to backtrack.
restart, next unless $word;
# Keeps trying to place an already used word, choices
# must be limited, start over
restart, next if %used{$word} > 15;
# Already used this word, try again
next if %index{$word.key};
# Add word to used word index
%index ,= $word;
# place the word into the grid
place($x, $y, $word);
sub display {
put flat " ", 'ABCDEFGHIJ'.comb;
.put for (^10).map: { ($_).fmt(" %2d"), @ws[$_ * $cols .. ($_ + 1) * $cols - 1] }
put "\n Words used:";
my $max = 1 + %index.keys.max( *.chars ).chars;
for %index.sort {
printf "%{$max}s %4s %s ", .key, .value.key, .value.value;
print "\n" if $++ % 2;
say "\n"
sub restart {
@ws = $message.comb(/<print>/);
%index = ();
%used = ();
sub place ($x is copy, $y is copy, $w) {
my @word = $w.key.comb;
my $dir = %dir{$w.value.value};
@ws[$y * $rows + $x] = @word.shift;
while @word {
($x, $y) »+=« $dir;
@ws[$y * $rows + $x] = @word.shift;
sub find ($x, $y) {
my @trials = %dir.keys.map: -> $dir {
my $space = '.';
my ($c, $r) = $x, $y;
loop {
($c, $r) »+=« %dir{$dir};
last if 9 < $r|$c;
last if 0 > $r|$c;
my $l = @ws[$r * $rows + $c];
last if $l ~~ /<:Lu>/;
$space ~= $l;
next if $space.chars < 3;
[$space.trans( '.' => ' ' ),
("{'ABCDEFGHIJ'.comb[$x]} {$y}" => $dir)]
for @words.pick(*) -> $word {
for @trials -> $space {
next if $word.chars > $space[0].chars;
return ($word => $space[1]) if compare($space[0].comb, $word.comb)
sub compare (@s, @w) {
for ^@w {
next if @s[$_] eq ' ';
return False if @s[$_] ne @w[$_]
0 b y e e a R s w u k
1 r g e n p f O s e s
2 d i n l e i i S t i
3 r e b i l a c e E f
4 T g t a d a g n l T
5 d A a t d o w a i d
6 g i C n a n a l r c
7 a o g O p a l p r f
8 p g n p D d a i o a
9 c r u s h E s p t d
Words used:
aaa G 8 ↖ afield E 0 ↘
alley F 4 ↖ bye A 0 →
caliber G 3 ← crush A 9 →
dan F 8 ↑ dig A 5 ↘
epic D 0 ↘ fad J 7 ↓
fisk J 3 ↑ gap A 6 ↓
geigy B 4 ↑ get G 4 ↗
gnp B 8 → goa C 7 ←
lane H 6 ↑ law G 7 ↑
nag D 6 ↖ nne D 1 ↙
odin F 5 ↖ orr I 8 ↑
paddle E 7 ↑ picnic E 1 ↘
pip H 9 ↑ rib A 1 ↘
sir G 9 ↗ sst G 0 ↘
tail D 5 ↑ ted C 4 ↖
tor I 9 ↑ usia I 0 ↙
wei H 0 ↘
Last updated
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