Zig-zag matrix

Using the same Turtle class as in the Spiral matrix task:

class Turtle {
    my @dv =  [0,-1], [1,-1], [1,0], [1,1], [0,1], [-1,1], [-1,0], [-1,-1];
    my $points = 8; # 'compass' points of neighbors on grid: north=0, northeast=1, east=2, etc.
    has @.loc = 0,0;
    has $.dir = 0;
    has %.world;
    has $.maxegg;
    has $.range-x;
    has $.range-y;
    method turn-left ($angle = 90) { $!dir -= $angle / 45; $!dir %= $points; }
    method turn-right($angle = 90) { $!dir += $angle / 45; $!dir %= $points; }
    method lay-egg($egg) {
    %!world{~@!loc} = $egg;
    $!maxegg max= $egg;
    $!range-x minmax= @!loc[0];
    $!range-y minmax= @!loc[1];
    method look($ahead = 1) {
    my $there = @!loc »+« @dv[$!dir] »*» $ahead;
    method forward($ahead = 1) {
    my $there = @!loc »+« @dv[$!dir] »*» $ahead;
    @!loc = @($there);
    method showmap() {
    my $form = "%{$!maxegg.chars}s";
    my $endx = $!range-x.max;
        for $!range-y.list X $!range-x.list -> ($y, $x) {
        print (%!world{"$x $y"} // '').fmt($form);
        print $x == $endx ?? "\n" !! ' ';

sub MAIN(Int $size = 5) {
    my $t = Turtle.new(dir => 1);
    my $counter = 0;
    for 1 ..^ $size -> $run {
	for ^$run {
	my $yaw = $run %% 2 ?? -1 !! 1;
	$t.turn-right($yaw * 135); $t.forward; $t.turn-right($yaw * 45);
    for $size ... 1 -> $run {
	for ^$run -> $ {
	$t.turn-left(180); $t.forward;
	my $yaw = $run %% 2 ?? 1 !! -1;
	$t.turn-right($yaw * 45); $t.forward; $t.turn-left($yaw * 45);

Last updated

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