The pseudocode above is no longer really useful as the page format has changed significantly since this task was written. Rather than checking every edit to see if it was a change to the task description, we'll just assume the user that created the page is the task author. This isn't 100% accurate; a very few pages got renamed and recreated by someone other than the original author without preserving the history, so they are misreported (15 Puzzle Game for instance,) but is as good as it is likely to get without extensive manual intervention. Subsequent edits to the task description are not credited. As it is, we must still make thousands of requests and pound the server pretty hard. Checking every edit would make the task several of orders of magnitude more abusive of the server (and my internet connection.)
use HTTP::UserAgent;
use URI::Escape;
use JSON::Fast;
use Sort::Naturally;
# Friendlier descriptions for task categories
my %cat = (
'Programming_Tasks' => 'Task',
'Draft_Programming_Tasks' => 'Draft'
my $client =;
my $url = '';
my $tablefile = './RC_Authors.txt';
my $hashfile = './RC_Authors.json';
my %tasks;
# clear screen
run($* ?? 'cls' !! 'clear');
%tasks = $hashfile.IO.e ?? $hashfile.IO.slurp.&from-json !! ( );
sleep 1;
#=begin update
note 'Retrieving task information...';
my %filter;
for %cat.keys.sort -> $category {
$url, 'pages',
).map( { %filter{.<title>} = %cat{$category} } )
my $delete = %tasks.keys (-) %filter.keys;
%tasks.delete($_) for $delete.keys; #Tasks that have changed names or been removed
my @add;
for %filter.keys -> $title {
if %tasks{$title}:exists {
%tasks{$title}<category> = %filter{$title} # update status
} else {
@add.push: $title => %filter{$title} # New Tasks
if @add {
.say for 'Adding new tasks:', |@add;
for @add -> $task {
$url, 'pages',
).map: {
print clear, 1 + $++, ' ', .[0]<title>;
%tasks{.[0]<title>}<category> = $task.value;
%tasks{.[0]<title>}<author> = .[0]<revisions>[0]<user>;
%tasks{.[0]<title>}<date> = .[0]<revisions>[0]<timestamp>.subst(/'T'.+$/, '')
print clear;
# Save information to a local file
note "\nTask information saved to local file: {$hashfile.IO.absolute}";
#=end update
# Load information from local file
%tasks = $hashfile.IO.e ?? $hashfile.IO.slurp.&from-json !! ( );
# Convert saved task / author info to a table
note "\nBuilding table...";
my $count = +%tasks;
my $taskcnt = +%tasks.grep: *.value.<category> eq %cat<Programming_Tasks>;
my $draftcnt = $count - $taskcnt;
# Open a file handle to dump table in
my $out = open($tablefile, :w) or die "$!\n";
# Add table boilerplate and header
"\{|class=\"wikitable sortable\"\n",
"|+ As of { } :: Total Tasks: { $count }:: Tasks: { $taskcnt }",
" ::<span style=\"background-color:#ffd\"> Draft Tasks: { $draftcnt } </span>",
":: By {+%tasks{*}».<author>.unique} Authors\n",
"! Author !! Tasks !! Authored"
# Get sorted unique list of task authors
for %tasks{*}».<author>.unique.sort(&naturally) -> $author {
# Get list of tasks by this author
my @these = %tasks.grep( { $_.value.<author> eq $author } );
my $s = +@these == 1 ?? '' !! 's';
# Add author and contributions link to the first two cells
$author ~~ /\d/
?? "|- id=\"$author\"\n|data-sort-value=\"{ sort-key $author }\"|[[User:$author|$author]]\n"~
"|data-sort-value=\"{ +@these }\"|[[Special:Contributions/$author|"~
"{ +@these } task{ $s }]]"
!! "|- id=\"$author\"\n|[[User:$author|$author]]\n"~
"|data-sort-value=\"{ +@these }\"|[[Special:Contributions/$author|"~
"{ +@these } task{ $s }]]"
if +@these > 2 {
$out.say: "|style=\"padding: 0px;\"|\n",
"\{|class=\"broadtable sortable\" style=\"width: 100%;\"\n",
"! Task Name !! Date Added !! Status";
else {
$out.say: "|style=\"padding: 0px;\"|\n",
"\{|class=\"broadtable\" style=\"width: 100%;\"";
# Tasks by this author, sorted by name
for @these.sort({.key.&naturally}) -> $task {
my $color = $task.value.<category> eq 'Draft' ?? '#ffd' !! '#fff';
# add the task link, date and status to the table in the second cell
$out.say: "|-\n|style=\"background-color: $color;\"",
( $task.key ~~ /\d/
?? " data-sort-value=\"{ sort-key $task.key }\"| [[{uri-escape $task.key}|{$task.key}]]\n"
!! "| [[{uri-escape $task.key}|{$task.key}]]\n"
"|style=\"width: 10em; background-color: $color;\"| {$task.value.<date>}\n",
"|style=\"width: 6em; background-color: $color;\"| {$task.value.<category>}",
$out.say: '|}'
$out.say( "|}\n" );
note "Table file saved as: {$tablefile.IO.absolute}";
sub mediawiki-query ($site, $type, *%query) {
my $url = "$site/api.php?" ~ uri-query-string(
:action<query>, :format<json>, :formatversion<2>, |%query);
my $continue = '';
gather loop {
my $response = $client.get("$url&$continue");
my $data = from-json($response.content);
take $_ for $data.<query>.{$type}.values;
$continue = uri-query-string |($data.<query-continue>{*}».hash.hash or last);
sub uri-query-string (*%fields) {{ "{.key}={uri-escape .value}" }).join("&") }
sub sort-key ($a) { $\d+)/, ->$/ {0~(65+($0.chars)).chr~$0},:g) }
sub clear { "\r" ~ ' ' x 100 ~ "\r" }