Erdős Woods numbers
# 20220308 Raku programming solution
sub invmod($n, $modulo) { #
my ($c, $d, $uc, $vc, $ud, $vd, $q) = ($n % $modulo, $modulo, 1, 0, 0, 1);
while $c != 0 {
($q, $c, $d) = ($d div $c, $d % $c, $c);
($uc, $vc, $ud, $vd) = ($ud - $q*$uc, $vd - $q*$vc, $uc, $vc);
return $ud % $modulo;
sub ew (\n) {
my @primes = (^n).race.grep: *.is-prime;
my @divs = (^n).map: -> \p { ([o] map { p%%$_.Int + 2 * * }, @primes)(0) }
my @partitions = [ 0, 0, 2**@primes.elems - 1 ] , ;
sub ort(\x) { (@divs[x] +| @divs[n -x]).base(2).flip.index(1) }
for ((n^...1).sort: *.&ort).reverse {
my \newPartitions = @ = ();
my (\factors,\otherFactors) = @divs[$_, n-$_];
for @partitions -> \p {
my (\setA, \setB, \rPrimes) = p[0..2];
if (factors +& setA) or (otherFactors +& setB) {
newPartitions.push: p and next
for (factors +& rPrimes).base(2).flip.comb.kv -> \k,\v {
if (v == 1) {
my \w = 1 +< k;
newPartitions.push: [ setA +^ w, setB, rPrimes +^ w ]
for (otherFactors +& rPrimes).base(2).flip.comb.kv -> \k,\v {
if (v == 1) {
my \w = 1 +< k;
newPartitions.push: [ setA, setB +^ w, rPrimes +^ w ]
@partitions = newPartitions
my \result = $ = -1;
for @partitions -> \p {
my ($px,$py) = p[0,1];
my ($x ,$y ) = 1 xx *;
for @primes -> $p {
$px % 2 and $x *= $p;
$py % 2 and $y *= $p;
($px,$py) >>div=>> 2
my \newresult = ((n * invmod($x, $y)) % $y) * $x - n;
result = result == -1 ?? newresult !! min(result, newresult)
return result
say "The first 20 Erdős–Woods numbers and their minimum interval start values are:";
for (16..116) { if (my $ew = ew $_) > 0 { printf "%3d -> %d\n",$_,$ew } }
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