Not really clear whether a line graph or bar graph was desired, so generate both. Also, 100 points don't really give a good feel for the overall shape so do 500.
my @yellowstone = 1, 2, 3, -> $q, $p { state @used = True xx 4; state $min = 3;my \index = ($min .. *).first: { not @used[$_] and $_ gcd $q != 1 and $_ gcd $p == 1 }; @used[index] = True; $min = @used.first(!*, :k) // +@used - 1;index} … *;put "The first 30 terms in the Yellowstone sequence:\n", @yellowstone[^30];use SVG;use SVG::Plot;my @x = ^500;my $chart = background =>'white', width => 1000, height => 600, plot-width => 950, plot-height => 550, x => @x, x-tick-step => { 10 },y-tick-step => { 50 }, min-y-axis => 0, values => [@yellowstone[@x],], title =>"Yellowstone Sequence - First {+@x} values (zero indexed)",);my $line = './Yellowstone-sequence-line-perl6.svg'.IO;my $bars = './Yellowstone-sequence-bars-perl6.svg'.IO;$line.spurt: SVG.serialize: $chart.plot: :lines;$bars.spurt: SVG.serialize: $chart.plot: :bars;
The first 30 terms in the Yellowstone sequence:
1 2 3 4 9 8 15 14 5 6 25 12 35 16 7 10 21 20 27 22 39 11 13 33 26 45 28 51 32 17