We'll make a general algorithm capable of computing any cellular automata as defined by 's famous book .
We will take the liberty of wrapping the array of cells as it does not affect the result much and it makes the implementation a lot easier.
class Automaton {
has $.rule;
has @.cells;
has @.code = $!rule.fmt('%08b').flip.comb».Int;
method gist { "|{ @!cells.map({+$_ ?? '#' !! ' '}).join }|" }
method succ {
self.new: :$!rule, :@!code, :cells(
4 «*« @!cells.rotate(-1)
»+« 2 «*« @!cells
»+« @!cells.rotate(1)
# The rule proposed for this task is rule 0b01101000 = 104
my @padding = 0 xx 5;
my Automaton $a .= new:
rule => 104,
cells => flat @padding, '111011010101'.comb, @padding
say $a++ for ^10;
# Rule 104 is not particularly interesting so here is [[wp:Rule 90|Rule 90]],
# which shows a [[wp:Sierpinski Triangle|Sierpinski Triangle]].
say '';
@padding = 0 xx 25;
$a = Automaton.new: :rule(90), :cells(flat @padding, 1, @padding);
say $a++ for ^20;