Pass in a number string, optionally a type, and optionally the number of digits to round to.
The types supported are B, M & G for binary, metric or gigantic. (At this point, the only gigantic unit is googol, so maybe it stands for googol. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
If no type is specified, M (metric) is assumed.
If you desire the number to be rounded, pass in a number representing the placed past the decimal to round to. If you pass in a negative number for rounding, it will round to a negative number of places past the decimal.
sub sufficate ($val is copy, $type is copy = 'M', $round is copy = Any) {
if +$type ~~ Int { $round = $type; $type = 'M' }
my $s = '';
if $val.substr(0,1) eq '-' { $s = '-'; $val.=substr(1) }
$val.=subst(',', '', :g);
if $val ~~ m:i/'e'/ {
my ($m,$e) = $val.split(/<[eE]>/);
$val = ($e < 0)
?? $m *,10**-$e)
!! $m * 10**$e;
my %s = do given $type {
when 'M' { <K M G T P E Z Y X W V U> Z=> (1000, * * 1000 … *) }
when 'B' { <Ki Mi Gi Ti Pi Ei Zi Yi Xi Wi Vi Ui> Z=> (1024, * * 1024 … *) }
when 'G' { googol => 10**100 }
default { return 'What we have here is a failure to communicate...' }
my $k = do given $val {
when .abs < (my $m = min %s.values) { %s.first( *.value == $m ).key };
when .abs > (my $x = max %s.values) { %s.first( *.value == $x ).key };
default { %s.sort(*.value).first({$val.abs/%s{$_.key} < min %s.values}).key}
?? $s ~ comma(($val.abs/%s{$k}).round(10**-$round)) ~ $k
!! $s ~ comma($val.abs/%s{$k}) ~ $k
sub comma ($i is copy) {
my $s = $i < 0 ?? '-' !! '';
my ($whole, $frac) = $i.split('.');
$frac = $frac.defined ?? ".$frac" !! '';
$s ~ $whole.abs.flip.comb(3).join(',').flip ~ $frac
my @tests =
'-998,877,665,544,332,211,000 3',
'+112,233 0',
'16,777,216 1',
'456,789,100,000,000 M 2',
'456,789,100,000,000 B 5',
'456,789,100,000.000e+00 M 0',
'+16777216 B',
'1.2e101 G',
"{run('df', '/', :out).out.slurp.words[10] * 1024} B 2", # Linux df returns Kilobytes by default
'347,344 M -2', # round to -2 past the decimal
'1122334455 Q', # bad unit type example
printf "%33s : %s\n", $_, sufficate(|.words) for @tests;
87,654,321 : 87.654321M
-998,877,665,544,332,211,000 3 : -998.878E
+112,233 0 : 112K
16,777,216 1 : 16.8M
456,789,100,000,000 : 456.7891T
456,789,100,000,000 M 2 : 456.79T
456,789,100,000,000 B 5 : 415.44727Ti
456,789,100,000.000e+00 M 0 : 457G
+16777216 B : 16Mi
1.2e101 G : 12googol
703674818560 B 2 : 655.35Gi
347,344 M -2 : 300K
1122334455 Q : What we have here is a failure to communicate...