AVL tree

This code has been translated from the Java version on <https://rosettacode.org>. Consequently, it should have the same license: GNU Free Document License 1.2. In addition to the translated code, other public methods have been added as shown by the asterisks in the following list of all public methods:

Note one of the interesting features of Raku is the ability to use characters like the apostrophe (') and hyphen (-) in identifiers.

class AVL-Tree {
    has $.root is rw = 0;

    class Node {
        has $.key    is rw = '';
        has $.parent is rw = 0;
        has $.data   is rw = 0;
        has $.left   is rw = 0;
        has $.right  is rw = 0;
        has Int $.balance is rw = 0;
        has Int $.height  is rw = 0;

    # public methods

    #| returns a node object or 0 if not found
    method find($key) {
        return 0 if !$.root;
        self!find: $key, $.root;

    #| returns a list of tree keys
    method keys() {
        return () if !$.root;
        my @list;
        self!keys: $.root, @list;

    #| returns a list of tree nodes
    method nodes() {
        return () if !$.root;
        my @list;
        self!nodes: $.root, @list;

    #| insert a node key, optionally add data (the `parent` arg is for
    #| internal use only)
    method insert($key, :$data = 0, :$parent = 0,) {
        return $.root = Node.new: :$key, :$parent, :$data if !$.root;
        my $n = $.root;
        while True {
            return False if $n.key eq $key;
            my $parent = $n;
            my $goLeft = $n.key > $key;
            $n = $goLeft ?? $n.left !! $n.right;
            if !$n {
                if $goLeft {
                    $parent.left = Node.new: :$key, :$parent, :$data;
                else {
                    $parent.right = Node.new: :$key, :$parent, :$data;
                self!rebalance: $parent;

    #| delete one or more nodes by key
    method delete(*@del-key) {
        return if !$.root;
        for @del-key -> $del-key {
            my $child = $.root;
            while $child {
                my $node = $child;
                $child = $del-key >= $node.key ?? $node.right !! $node.left;
                if $del-key eq $node.key {
                    self!delete: $node;

    #| show a list of all nodes by key
    method show-keys {
        self!show-keys: $.root;

    #| show a list of all nodes' balances (not normally needed)
    method show-balances {
        self!show-balances: $.root;

    # private methods

    method !delete($node) {
        if !$node.left && !$node.right {
            if !$node.parent {
                $.root = 0;
            else {
                my $parent = $node.parent;
                if $parent.left === $node {
                    $parent.left = 0;
                else {
                    $parent.right = 0;
                self!rebalance: $parent;

        if $node.left {
            my $child = $node.left;
            while $child.right {
                $child = $child.right;
            $node.key = $child.key;
            self!delete: $child;
        else {
            my $child = $node.right;
            while $child.left {
                $child = $child.left;
            $node.key = $child.key;
            self!delete: $child;

    method !rebalance($n is copy) {
        self!set-balance: $n;

        if $n.balance == -2 {
            if self!height($n.left.left) >= self!height($n.left.right) {
                $n = self!rotate-right: $n;
            else {
                $n = self!rotate-left'right: $n;
        elsif $n.balance == 2 {
            if self!height($n.right.right) >= self!height($n.right.left) {
                $n = self!rotate-left: $n;
            else {
                $n = self!rotate-right'left: $n;

        if $n.parent {
            self!rebalance: $n.parent;
        else {
            $.root = $n;

    method !rotate-left($a) {

        my $b     = $a.right;
        $b.parent = $a.parent;

        $a.right = $b.left;

        if $a.right {
            $a.right.parent = $a;

        $b.left   = $a;
        $a.parent = $b;

        if $b.parent {
            if $b.parent.right === $a {
                $b.parent.right = $b;
            else {
                $b.parent.left = $b;

        self!set-balance: $a, $b;

    method !rotate-right($a) {

        my $b = $a.left;
        $b.parent = $a.parent;

        $a.left = $b.right;

        if $a.left {
            $a.left.parent = $a;

        $b.right  = $a;
        $a.parent = $b;

        if $b.parent {
            if $b.parent.right === $a {
                $b.parent.right = $b;
            else {
                $b.parent.left = $b;

        self!set-balance: $a, $b;


    method !rotate-left'right($n) {
        $n.left = self!rotate-left: $n.left;
        self!rotate-right: $n;

    method !rotate-right'left($n) {
        $n.right = self!rotate-right: $n.right;
        self!rotate-left: $n;

    method !height($n) {
        $n ?? $n.height !! -1;

    method !set-balance(*@n) {
        for @n -> $n {
            self!reheight: $n;
            $n.balance = self!height($n.right) - self!height($n.left);

    method !show-balances($n) {
        if $n {
            self!show-balances: $n.left;
            printf "%s ", $n.balance;
            self!show-balances: $n.right;

    method !reheight($node) {
        if $node {
            $node.height = 1 + max self!height($node.left), self!height($node.right);

    method !show-keys($n) {
        if $n {
            self!show-keys: $n.left;
            printf "%s ", $n.key;
            self!show-keys: $n.right;

    method !nodes($n, @list) {
        if $n {
            self!nodes: $n.left, @list;
            @list.push: $n if $n;
            self!nodes: $n.right, @list;

    method !keys($n, @list) {
        if $n {
            self!keys: $n.left, @list;
            @list.push: $n.key if $n;
            self!keys: $n.right, @list;

    method !find($key, $n) {
        if $n {
            self!find: $key, $n.left;
            return $n if $n.key eq $key;
            self!find: $key, $n.right;

Last updated

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