class DerFPS { ... }
class IntFPS { ... }
role FPS {
method coeffs { ... }
method differentiate { }
method integrate { }
method pretty($n) {
sub super($i) { $i.trans('0123456789' => '⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹') }
my $str = $.coeffs[0];
for flat 1..$n Z $.coeffs[1..$n] -> $p, $c {
when $c > 0 { $str ~= " + { $c .nude.join: '/'}∙x{super($p)}" }
when $c < 0 { $str ~= " - {-$c .nude.join: '/'}∙x{super($p)}" }
class ExplicitFPS does FPS { has @.coeffs }
class SumFPS does FPS {
has FPS ($.x, $.y);
method coeffs { $.x.coeffs Z+ $.y.coeffs }
class DifFPS does FPS {
has FPS ($.x, $.y);
method coeffs { $.x.coeffs Z- $.y.coeffs }
class ProFPS does FPS {
has FPS ($.x, $.y);
method coeffs { (0..*).map: { [+] ($.x.coeffs[0..$_] Z* $.y.coeffs[$_...0]) } }
class InvFPS does FPS {
has FPS $.x;
method coeffs {
# see
flat gather {
my @a = $.x.coeffs;
@a[0] != 0 or fail "Cannot invert power series with zero constant term.";
take my @b = (1 / @a[0]);
take @b[$_] = -@b[0] * [+] (@a[1..$_] Z* @b[$_-1...0]) for 1..*;
class DerFPS does FPS {
has FPS $.x;
method coeffs { (1..*).map: { $_ * $.x.coeffs[$_] } }
class IntFPS does FPS {
has FPS $.x;
method coeffs { 0, |(0..*).map: { $.x.coeffs[$_] / ($_+1) } }
class DeferredFPS does FPS {
has FPS $.realized is rw;
method coeffs { $.realized.coeffs }
# some arithmetic operations for formal power series
multi infix:<+>(FPS $x, FPS $y) {$x, :$y) }
multi infix:<->(FPS $x, FPS $y) {$x, :$y) }
multi infix:<*>(FPS $x, FPS $y) {$x, :$y) }
multi infix:</>(FPS $x, FPS $y) { $x *$y)) }
# an example of a mixed-type operator:
multi infix:<->(Numeric $x, FPS $y) { flat $x, 0 xx *)) - $y }
# define sine and cosine in terms of each other
my $sin =;
my $cos = 1 - $sin.integrate;
$sin.realized = $cos.integrate;
# define tangent in terms of sine and cosine
my $tan = $sin / $cos;
say 'sin(x) ≈ ' ~ $sin.pretty(10);
say 'cos(x) ≈ ' ~ $cos.pretty(10);
say 'tan(x) ≈ ' ~ $tan.pretty(10);
sin(x) ≈ 0 + 1/1∙x¹ - 1/6∙x³ + 1/120∙x⁵ - 1/5040∙x⁷ + 1/362880∙x⁹
cos(x) ≈ 1 - 1/2∙x² + 1/24∙x⁴ - 1/720∙x⁶ + 1/40320∙x⁸ - 1/3628800∙x¹⁰
tan(x) ≈ 0 + 1/1∙x¹ + 1/3∙x³ + 2/15∙x⁵ + 17/315∙x⁷ + 62/2835∙x⁹
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