Strong and weak primes
sub comma { $^i.flip.comb(3).join(',').flip }
use Math::Primesieve;
my $sieve =;
my @primes = $sieve.primes(10_000_019);
my (@weak, @balanced, @strong);
for 1 ..^ @primes - 1 -> $p {
given (@primes[$p - 1] + @primes[$p + 1]) / 2 {
when * > @primes[$p] { @weak.push: @primes[$p] }
when * < @primes[$p] { @strong.push: @primes[$p] }
default { @balanced.push: @primes[$p] }
for @strong, 'strong', 36,
@weak, 'weak', 37,
@balanced, 'balanced', 28
-> @pr, $type, $d {
say "\nFirst $d $type primes:\n", @pr[^$d]».,
say "Count of $type primes <= {comma 1e6}: ", comma +@pr[^(@pr.first: * > 1e6,:k)];
say "Count of $type primes <= {comma 1e7}: ", comma +@pr;
First 36 strong primes:
(11 17 29 37 41 59 67 71 79 97 101 107 127 137 149 163 179 191 197 223 227 239 251 269 277 281 307 311 331 347 367 379 397 419 431 439)
Count of strong primes <= 1,000,000: 37,723
Count of strong primes <= 10,000,000: 320,991
First 37 weak primes:
(3 7 13 19 23 31 43 47 61 73 83 89 103 109 113 131 139 151 167 181 193 199 229 233 241 271 283 293 313 317 337 349 353 359 383 389 401)
Count of weak primes <= 1,000,000: 37,780
Count of weak primes <= 10,000,000: 321,750
First 28 balanced primes:
(5 53 157 173 211 257 263 373 563 593 607 653 733 947 977 1,103 1,123 1,187 1,223 1,367 1,511 1,747 1,753 1,907 2,287 2,417 2,677 2,903)
Count of balanced primes <= 1,000,000: 2,994
Count of balanced primes <= 10,000,000: 21,837
Last updated
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