As long as you have the patience, this will work for bases 2 through 36.
Bases 2 through 19 finish quickly, (about 10 seconds on my system), 20 takes a while, 21 is pretty fast, 22 is glacial. 23 through 26 takes several hours.
Use analytical start value filtering based on observations by ++ and .
Only search square numbers that have at least N digits;
smaller could not possibly match.
Only bother to use analytics for large N. Finesse takes longer than brute force for small N.
unit sub MAIN ($timer = False);
sub first-square (Int $n) {
my @start = flat '1', '0', (2 ..^ $n)».base: $n;
if $n > 10 { # analytics
my $root = digital-root( @start.join, :base($n) );
my @roots = (2..$n).map(*²).map: { digital-root($_.base($n), :base($n) ) };
if $root ∉ @roots {
my $offset = min(@roots.grep: * > $root ) - $root;
@start[1+$offset] = $offset ~ @start[1+$offset];
my $start = @start.join.parse-base($n).sqrt.ceiling;
my @digits = reverse (^$n)».base: $n;
my $sq;
my $now = now;
my $time = 0;
my $sr;
for $start .. * {
$sq = .²;
my $s = $sq.base($n);
my $f;
$f = 1 and last unless $s.contains: $_ for @digits;
if $timer && $n > 19 && $_ %% 1_000_000 {
$time += now - $now;
say "N $n: {$_}² = $sq <$s> : {(now - $now).round(.001)}s" ~
" : {$time.round(.001)} elapsed";
$now = now;
next if $f;
$sr = $_;
sprintf( "Base %2d: %13s² == %-30s", $n, $sr.base($n), $sq.base($n) ) ~
($timer ?? ($time + now - $now).round(.001) !! '');
sub digital-root ($root is copy, :$base = 10) {
$root = ${:36($_)}).sum.base($base) while $root.chars > 1;
say "First perfect square with N unique digits in base N: ";
say .&first-square for flat
2 .. 12, # required
13 .. 16, # optional
17 .. 19, # stretch
20, # slow
21, # pretty fast
22, # very slow
23, # don't hold your breath
24, # slow but not too terrible
25, # very slow
26, # "
First perfect square with N unique digits in base N:
Base 2: 10² == 100
Base 3: 22² == 2101
Base 4: 33² == 3201
Base 5: 243² == 132304
Base 6: 523² == 452013
Base 7: 1431² == 2450361
Base 8: 3344² == 13675420
Base 9: 11642² == 136802574
Base 10: 32043² == 1026753849
Base 11: 111453² == 1240A536789
Base 12: 3966B9² == 124A7B538609
Base 13: 3828943² == 10254773CA86B9
Base 14: 3A9DB7C² == 10269B8C57D3A4
Base 15: 1012B857² == 102597BACE836D4
Base 16: 404A9D9B² == 1025648CFEA37BD9
Base 17: 423F82GA9² == 101246A89CGFB357ED
Base 18: 44B482CAD² == 10236B5F8EG4AD9CH7
Base 19: 1011B55E9A² == 10234DHBG7CI8F6A9E5
Base 20: 49DGIH5D3G² == 1024E7CDI3HB695FJA8G
Base 21: 4C9HE5FE27F² == 1023457DG9HI8J6B6KCEAF
Base 22: 4F94788GJ0F² == 102369FBGDEJ48CHI7LKA5
Base 23: 1011D3EL56MC² == 10234ACEDKG9HM8FBJIL756
Base 24: 4LJ0HDGF0HD3² == 102345B87HFECKJNIGMDLA69
Base 25: 1011E145FHGHM² == 102345DOECKJ6GFB8LIAM7NH9
Base 26: 52K8N53BDM99K² == 1023458LO6IEMKG79FPCHNJDBA
First perfect square in base n with n unique digits