Note: while this is "incorrect" by a strict interpretation of the rules, it is being left as an interesting example
sub primes ( UInt $n ) {
gather {
# create an iterator from 2 to $n (inclusive)
my $iterator := (2..$n).iterator;
loop {
# If it passed all of the filters it must be prime
my $prime := $iterator.pull-one;
# unless it is actually the end of the sequence
last if $prime =:= IterationEnd;
take $prime; # add the prime to the `gather` sequence
# filter out the factors of the current prime
$iterator :=$iterator).grep(* % $prime).iterator;
# (2..*).grep(* % 2).grep(* % 3).grep(* % 5).grep(* % 7)…
put primes( 100 );