I before E except after C

This solution uses grammars and actions to parse the given file, the Bag for tallying up occurrences of each possible thing we're looking for ("ie", "ei", "cie", and "cei"), and junctions to determine the plausibility of a phrase from the subphrases. Note that a version of rakudo newer than the January 2014 compiler or Star releases is needed, as this code relies on a recent bugfix to the make function.

grammar CollectWords {
    token TOP {
        [^^ <word> $$ \n?]+

    token word {
        [ <with_c> | <no_c> | \N ]+

    token with_c {
        c <ie_part>

    token no_c {

    token ie_part {
        ie | ei | eie # a couple words in the list have "eie"

class CollectWords::Actions {
    method TOP($/) {
        make $<word>».ast.flat.Bag;

    method word($/) {
        if $<with_c> + $<no_c> {
            make flat $<with_c>».ast, $<no_c>».ast;
        } else {
            make ();

    method with_c($/) {
        make "c" X~ $<ie_part>.ast;

    method no_c($/) {
        make "!c" X~ $<ie_part>.ast;

    method ie_part($/) {
        if ~$/ eq 'eie' {
            make ('ei', 'ie');
        } else {
            make ~$/;

sub plausible($good, $bad, $msg) {
    if $good > 2*$bad {
        say "$msg: PLAUSIBLE ($good  vs. $bad ✘)";
        return True;
    } else {
        say "$msg: NOT PLAUSIBLE ($good  vs. $bad ✘)";
        return False;

my $results = CollectWords.parsefile("unixdict.txt", :actions(CollectWords::Actions)).ast;

my $phrasetest = [&] plausible($results<!cie>, $results<!cei>, "I before E when not preceded by C"),
                     plausible($results<cei>, $results<cie>, "E before I when preceded by C");

say "I before E except after C: ", $phrasetest ?? "PLAUSIBLE" !! "NOT PLAUSIBLE";


I before E when not preceded by C: PLAUSIBLE (466  vs. 217 ✘)
E before I when preceded by C: NOT PLAUSIBLE (13  vs. 24 ✘)
I before E except after C: NOT PLAUSIBLE

Raku: Stretch Goal

Note that within the original text file, a tab character was erroneously replaced with a space. Thus, the following changes to the text file are needed before this solution will run:

--- orig_1_2_all_freq.txt       2014-02-01 14:36:53.124121018 -0800
+++ 1_2_all_freq.txt    2014-02-01 14:37:10.525552980 -0800
@@ -2488,7 +2488,7 @@
        other than      Prep    43
        visited Verb    43
        cross   NoC     43
-       lie Verb        43
+       lie     Verb    43
        grown   Verb    43
        crowd   NoC     43
        recognised      Verb    43

This solution requires just a few modifications to the grammar and actions from the non-stretch goal.

grammar CollectWords {
    token TOP {
        ^^ \t Word \t PoS \t Freq $$ \n
        [^^ <word> $$ \n?]+

    token word {
        [ <with_c> | <no_c> | \T ]+ \t+
        \T+ \t+ # PoS doesn't matter to us, so ignore it
        $<freq>=[<.digit>+] \h*

    token with_c {
        c <ie_part>

    token no_c {

    token ie_part {
        ie | ei

class CollectWords::Actions {
    method TOP($/) {
        make $<word>».ast.flat.Bag;

    method word($/) {
        if $<with_c> + $<no_c> {
            make flat $<with_c>».ast xx +$<freq>, $<no_c>».ast xx +$<freq>;
        } else {
            make ();

    method with_c($/) {
        make "c" ~ $<ie_part>;

    method no_c($/) {
        make "!c" ~ $<ie_part>;

sub plausible($good, $bad, $msg) {
    if $good > 2*$bad {
        say "$msg: PLAUSIBLE ($good  vs. $bad ✘)";
        return True;
    } else {
        say "$msg: NOT PLAUSIBLE ($good  vs. $bad ✘)";
        return False;

# can't use .parsefile like before due to the non-Unicode £ in this file.
my $file = slurp("1_2_all_freq.txt", :enc<iso-8859-1>);
my $results = CollectWords.parse($file, :actions(CollectWords::Actions)).ast;

my $phrasetest = [&] plausible($results<!cie>, $results<!cei>, "I before E when not preceded by C"),
                     plausible($results<cei>, $results<cie>, "E before I when preceded by C");

say "I before E except after C: ", $phrasetest ?? "PLAUSIBLE" !! "NOT PLAUSIBLE";


I before E when not preceded by C: NOT PLAUSIBLE (8222  vs. 4826 ✘)
E before I when preceded by C: NOT PLAUSIBLE (327  vs. 994 ✘)
I before E except after C: NOT PLAUSIBLE

Last updated

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