Van der Corput sequence

First a cheap implementation in base 2, using string operations.

constant VdC = map { :2("0." ~ .base(2).flip) }, ^Inf;
.say for VdC[^16];

Here is a more elaborate version using the polymod built-in integer method:

sub VdC($base = 2) {
    map {
        [+] $_ && .polymod($base xx *) Z/ [\*] $base xx *
    }, ^Inf

.say for VdC[^10];



Here is a fairly standard imperative version in which we mutate three variables in parallel:

sub vdc($num, $base = 2) {
    my $n = $num;
    my $vdc = 0;
    my $denom = 1;
    while $n {
        $vdc += $n mod $base / ($denom *= $base);
        $n div= $base;

for 2..5 -> $b {
    say "Base $b";
    say ( vdc($_,$b).Rat.nude.join('/') for ^10 ).join(', ');
    say '';


Base 2
0, 1/2, 1/4, 3/4, 1/8, 5/8, 3/8, 7/8, 1/16, 9/16

Base 3
0, 1/3, 2/3, 1/9, 4/9, 7/9, 2/9, 5/9, 8/9, 1/27

Base 4
0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1/16, 5/16, 9/16, 13/16, 1/8, 3/8

Base 5
0, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 1/25, 6/25, 11/25, 16/25, 21/25

Here is a functional version that produces the same output:

sub vdc($value, $base = 2) {
    my @values = $value, { $_ div $base } ... 0;
    my @denoms = $base,  { $_  *  $base } ... *;
    [+] do for (flat @values Z @denoms) -> $v, $d {
        $v mod $base / $d;

We first define two sequences, one finite, one infinite. When we zip those sequences together, the finite sequence terminates the loop (which, since a Raku loop returns all its values, is merely another way of writing a map). We then sum with [+], a reduction of the + operator. (We could have in-lined the sequences or used a traditional map operator, but this way seems more readable than the typical FP solution.) The do is necessary to introduce a statement where a term is expected, since Raku distinguishes "sentences" from "noun phrases" as a natural language might.

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