Since the tested function is rolls of a 7 sided die, the test numbers are magnitudes of 10x bumped up to the closest multiple of 7. This reduces spurious error from there not being an integer expected value.
my $d7 = 1..7;
sub roll7 { $d7.roll };
my $threshold = 3;
for 14, 105, 1001, 10003, 100002, 1000006 -> $n
{ dist( $n, $threshold, &roll7 ) };
sub dist ( $n is copy, $threshold, &producer ) {
my @dist;
my $expect = $n / 7;
say "Expect\t",$expect.fmt("%.3f");
loop ($_ = $n; $n; --$n) { @dist[&producer()]++; }
for @dist.kv -> $i, $v is copy {
next unless $i;
$v //= 0;
my $pct = ($v - $expect)/$expect*100;
printf "%d\t%d\t%+.2f%% %s\n", $i, $v, $pct,
($pct.abs > $threshold ?? '- skewed' !! '');
say '';
Sample output:
Expect 2.000
1 2 +0.00%
2 3 +50.00% - skewed
3 2 +0.00%
4 2 +0.00%
5 3 +50.00% - skewed
6 0 -100.00% - skewed
7 2 +0.00%
Expect 15.000
1 15 +0.00%
2 17 +13.33% - skewed
3 13 -13.33% - skewed
4 16 +6.67% - skewed
5 14 -6.67% - skewed
6 16 +6.67% - skewed
7 14 -6.67% - skewed
Expect 143.000
1 134 -6.29% - skewed
2 142 -0.70%
3 141 -1.40%
4 137 -4.20% - skewed
5 142 -0.70%
6 170 +18.88% - skewed
7 135 -5.59% - skewed
Expect 1429.000
1 1396 -2.31%
2 1468 +2.73%
3 1405 -1.68%
4 1442 +0.91%
5 1453 +1.68%
6 1417 -0.84%
7 1422 -0.49%
Expect 14286.000
1 14222 -0.45%
2 14320 +0.24%
3 14326 +0.28%
4 14425 +0.97%
5 14140 -1.02%
6 14275 -0.08%
7 14294 +0.06%
Expect 142858.000
1 142510 -0.24%
2 142436 -0.30%
3 142438 -0.29%
4 143152 +0.21%
5 142905 +0.03%
6 143232 +0.26%
7 143333 +0.33%
Last updated
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