my @victims =
fly => " I don't know why S—",
spider => " That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her.",
bird => " How absurd, T!",
cat => " Fancy that, S!",
dog => " What a hog, T!",
goat => " She just opened her throat, and in walked the goat!",
cow => " I don't know how S!",
horse => " She's dead, of course...";
my @history = "I guess she'll die...\n";
for (flat @victims».kv) -> $victim, $_ is copy {
say "There was an old lady who swallowed a $victim...";
s/ «S» /she swallowed the $victim/;
s/ «T» /to swallow a $victim!/;
last when /dead/;
@history[0] ~~ s/^X/She swallowed the $victim/;
.say for @history;
@history.unshift($_) if @history < 5;
@history.unshift("X to catch the $victim,");
And that's how I larned it!
Last updated
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