Conditional structures


if won() -> $prize {
    say "You won $prize.";


Switch structures are done by topicalization and by smartmatching in Raku. They are somewhat orthogonal, you can use a given block without when, and vice versa. But the typical use is:

given lc prompt("Done? ") {
    when 'yes' { return }
    when 'no'  { next }
    default    { say "Please answer either yes or no." }

when blocks are allowed in any block that topicalizes $_, including a for loop (assuming one of its loop variables is bound to $_) or the body of a method (if you have declared the invocant as $_)." See more at:

There are also statement modifier forms of all of the above.

Ternary operator

The ternary operator looks like this:

$expression ?? do_something !! do_fallback

Other short-circuiting operators

and, or, &&, || and // work as in Perl 5.

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