Imaginary base numbers
These are generalized imaginary-base conversion routines. They only work for imaginary bases, not complex. (Any real portion of the radix must be zero.) Theoretically they could be made to work for any imaginary base; in practice, they are limited to integer bases from -6i to -2i and 2i to 6i. Bases -1i and 1i exist but require special handling and are not supported. Bases larger than 6i (or -6i) require digits outside of base 36 to express them, so aren't as standardized, are implementation dependent and are not supported. Note that imaginary number coefficients are stored as floating point numbers in Raku so some rounding error may creep in during calculations. The precision these conversion routines use is configurable; we are using 6 decimal, um... radicimal(?) places of precision here.
Implements minimum, extra kudos and stretch goals.
multi sub base ( Real $num, Int $radix where -37 < * < -1, :$precision = -15 ) {
return '0' unless $num;
my $value = $num;
my $result = '';
my $place = 0;
my $upper-bound = 1 / (-$radix + 1);
my $lower-bound = $radix * $upper-bound;
$value = $num / $radix ** ++$place until $lower-bound <= $value < $upper-bound;
while ($value or $place > 0) and $place > $precision {
my $digit = ($radix * $value - $lower-bound).Int;
$value = $radix * $value - $digit;
$result ~= '.' unless $place or $result.contains: '.';
$result ~= $digit == -$radix ?? ($digit-1).base(-$radix)~'0' !! $digit.base(-$radix);
multi sub base (Numeric $num, Complex $radix where *.re == 0, :$precision = -8 ) {
die "Base $radix out of range" unless -6 <= $ <= -2 or 2 <= $ <= 6;
my ($re, $im) = $num.Complex.reals;
my ($re-wh, $re-fr) = $re.&base( -$radix.im².Int, :precision($precision) ).split: '.';
my ($im-wh, $im-fr) = ($im/$ -$radix.im².Int, :precision($precision) ).split: '.';
$_ //= '' for $re-fr, $im-fr;
sub zip (Str $a, Str $b) {
my $l = '0' x ($a.chars - $b.chars).abs;
([~] flat ($a~$l).comb Z flat ($b~$l).comb).subst(/ '0'+ $ /, '') || '0'
my $whole = flip zip $re-wh.flip, $im-wh.flip;
my $fraction = zip $im-fr, $re-fr;
$fraction eq 0 ?? "$whole" !! "$whole.$fraction"
multi sub parse-base (Str $str, Complex $radix where *.re == 0) {
return -1 * $str.substr(1).&parse-base($radix) if $str.substr(0,1) eq '-';
my ($whole, $frac) = $str.split: '.';
my $fraction = 0;
$fraction = [+] $ { $^v.parse-base($radix.im².Int) * $radix ** -($^k+1) } if $frac;
$fraction + [+] $ { $^v.parse-base($radix.im².Int) * $radix ** $^k }
for 0, 2i, 1, 2i, 5, 2i, -13, 2i, 9i, 2i, -3i, 2i, 7.75-7.5i, 2i, .25, 2i, # base 2i tests
5+5i, 2i, 5+5i, 3i, 5+5i, 4i, 5+5i, 5i, 5+5i, 6i, # same value, positive imaginary bases
5+5i, -2i, 5+5i, -3i, 5+5i, -4i, 5+5i, -5i, 5+5i, -6i, # same value, negative imaginary bases
227.65625+10.859375i, 4i, # larger test value
31433.3487654321-2902.4480452675i, 6i # heh
-> $v, $r {
my $ibase = $v.&base($r, :precision(-6));
printf "%33s.&base\(%2si\) = %-11s : %13s.&parse-base\(%2si\) = %s\n",
$v, $, $ibase, "'$ibase'", $, $ibase.&parse-base($r).round(1e-10).narrow;
0.&base( 2i) = 0 : '0'.&parse-base( 2i) = 0
1.&base( 2i) = 1 : '1'.&parse-base( 2i) = 1
5.&base( 2i) = 10301 : '10301'.&parse-base( 2i) = 5
-13.&base( 2i) = 1030003 : '1030003'.&parse-base( 2i) = -13
0+9i.&base( 2i) = 103010.2 : '103010.2'.&parse-base( 2i) = 0+9i
-0-3i.&base( 2i) = 1030.2 : '1030.2'.&parse-base( 2i) = 0-3i
7.75-7.5i.&base( 2i) = 11210.31 : '11210.31'.&parse-base( 2i) = 7.75-7.5i
0.25.&base( 2i) = 1.03 : '1.03'.&parse-base( 2i) = 0.25
5+5i.&base( 2i) = 10331.2 : '10331.2'.&parse-base( 2i) = 5+5i
5+5i.&base( 3i) = 25.3 : '25.3'.&parse-base( 3i) = 5+5i
5+5i.&base( 4i) = 25.C : '25.C'.&parse-base( 4i) = 5+5i
5+5i.&base( 5i) = 15 : '15'.&parse-base( 5i) = 5+5i
5+5i.&base( 6i) = 15.6 : '15.6'.&parse-base( 6i) = 5+5i
5+5i.&base(-2i) = 11321.2 : '11321.2'.&parse-base(-2i) = 5+5i
5+5i.&base(-3i) = 1085.6 : '1085.6'.&parse-base(-3i) = 5+5i
5+5i.&base(-4i) = 10F5.4 : '10F5.4'.&parse-base(-4i) = 5+5i
5+5i.&base(-5i) = 10O5 : '10O5'.&parse-base(-5i) = 5+5i
5+5i.&base(-6i) = 5.U : '5.U'.&parse-base(-6i) = 5+5i
227.65625+10.859375i.&base( 4i) = 10234.5678 : '10234.5678'.&parse-base( 4i) = 227.65625+10.859375i
31433.3487654321-2902.4480452675i.&base( 6i) = PERL6.ROCKS : 'PERL6.ROCKS'.&parse-base( 6i) = 31433.3487654321-2902.4480452675i
Using the module Base::Any from the Raku ecosystem.
Does everything the explicit version does but also handles a much larger range of imaginary bases.
Doing pretty much the same tests as the explicit version.
use Base::Any;
for 0, 2i, 1, 2i, 5, 2i, -13, 2i, 9i, 2i, -3i, 2i, 7.75-7.5i, 2i, .25, 2i, # base 2i tests
5+5i, 2i, 5+5i, 3i, 5+5i, 4i, 5+5i, 5i, 5+5i, 6i, # same value, positive imaginary bases
5+5i, -2i, 5+5i, -3i, 5+5i, -4i, 5+5i, -5i, 5+5i, -6i, # same value, negative imaginary bases
227.65625+10.859375i, 4i, # larger test value
31433.3487654321-2902.4480452675i, 6i, # heh
-3544.29+26541.468i, -10i
-> $v, $r {
my $ibase = $v.&to-base($r, :precision(-6));
printf "%33s.&to-base\(%3si\) = %-11s : %13s.&from-base\(%3si\) = %s\n",
$v, $, $ibase, "'$ibase'", $, $ibase.&from-base($r).round(1e-10).narrow;
0.&to-base( 2i) = 0 : '0'.&from-base( 2i) = 0
1.&to-base( 2i) = 1 : '1'.&from-base( 2i) = 1
5.&to-base( 2i) = 10301 : '10301'.&from-base( 2i) = 5
-13.&to-base( 2i) = 1030003 : '1030003'.&from-base( 2i) = -13
0+9i.&to-base( 2i) = 103010.2 : '103010.2'.&from-base( 2i) = 0+9i
-0-3i.&to-base( 2i) = 1030.2 : '1030.2'.&from-base( 2i) = 0-3i
7.75-7.5i.&to-base( 2i) = 11210.31 : '11210.31'.&from-base( 2i) = 7.75-7.5i
0.25.&to-base( 2i) = 1.03 : '1.03'.&from-base( 2i) = 0.25
5+5i.&to-base( 2i) = 10331.2 : '10331.2'.&from-base( 2i) = 5+5i
5+5i.&to-base( 3i) = 25.3 : '25.3'.&from-base( 3i) = 5+5i
5+5i.&to-base( 4i) = 25.C : '25.C'.&from-base( 4i) = 5+5i
5+5i.&to-base( 5i) = 15 : '15'.&from-base( 5i) = 5+5i
5+5i.&to-base( 6i) = 15.6 : '15.6'.&from-base( 6i) = 5+5i
5+5i.&to-base( -2i) = 11321.2 : '11321.2'.&from-base( -2i) = 5+5i
5+5i.&to-base( -3i) = 1085.6 : '1085.6'.&from-base( -3i) = 5+5i
5+5i.&to-base( -4i) = 10F5.4 : '10F5.4'.&from-base( -4i) = 5+5i
5+5i.&to-base( -5i) = 10O5 : '10O5'.&from-base( -5i) = 5+5i
5+5i.&to-base( -6i) = 5.U : '5.U'.&from-base( -6i) = 5+5i
227.65625+10.859375i.&to-base( 4i) = 10234.5678 : '10234.5678'.&from-base( 4i) = 227.65625+10.859375i
31433.3487654321-2902.4480452675i.&to-base( 6i) = PERL6.ROCKS : 'PERL6.ROCKS'.&from-base( 6i) = 31433.3487654321-2902.4480452675i
-3544.29+26541.468i.&to-base(-10i) = Raku.FTW : 'Raku.FTW'.&from-base(-10i) = -3544.29+26541.468i
Last updated
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