Scientific notation, while supported in Raku, is limited to IEEE-754 64bit accuracy so there is some rounding on values using it. Implements a custom "high precision" conversion routine.
Unfortunately, this suffix routine is of limited use for practical everyday purposes. It focuses on handling excessively large and archaic units (googol, greatgross) and completely ignores or makes unusable (due to forcing case insensitivity) many common current ones: c(centi), m(milli), μ(micro). Ah well.
Note: I am blatantly and deliberately ignoring the task guidelines for formatting the output. It has no bearing on the core of the task. If you really, really,* REALLY *want to see badly formatted output, uncomment the last line.
use Rat::Precise;
my $googol = 10**100;
«PAIRs 2 SCOres 20 DOZens 12 GRoss 144 GREATGRoss 1728 GOOGOLs $googol»
~~ m:g/ ((<.:Lu>+) <.:Ll>*) \s+ (\S+) /;
my %abr = |$/.map: {
my $abbrv = .[0].Str.fc;
my $mag = +.[1];
|map { $abbrv.substr( 0, $_ ) => $mag },
.[0][0].Str.chars .. $abbrv.chars
my %suffix = flat %abr,
(<K M G T P E Z Y X W V U>».fc Z=> (1000, * * 1000 … *)),
(<Ki Mi Gi Ti Pi Ei Zi Yi Xi Wi Vi Ui>».fc Z=> (1024, * * 1024 … *));
my $reg = %suffix.keys.join('|');
sub comma ($i is copy) {
my $s = $i < 0 ?? '-' !! '';
my ($whole, $frac) = $i.split('.');
$frac = $frac.defined ?? ".$frac" !! '';
$s ~ $whole.abs.flip.comb(3).join(',').flip ~ $frac
sub units (Str $str) {
$str.fc ~~ /^(.+?)(<alpha>*)('!'*)$/;
my ($val, $unit, $fact) = $0, $1.Str.fc, $2.Str;
$val.=subst(',', '', :g);
if $val ~~ m:i/'e'/ {
my ($m,$e) = $val.split(/<[eE]>/);
$val = ($e < 0)
?? $m *,10**-$e)
!! $m * 10**$e;
my @suf = $unit;
unless %suffix{$unit}:exists {
$unit ~~ /(<$reg>)+/;
@suf = $0;
my $ret = $val<>;
$ret = [*] $ret, | { %suffix{$_} } if @suf[0];
$ret = [*] ($ret, * - $fact.chars …^ * < 2) if $fact.chars;
$ret.?precise // $ret
my $test = q:to '===';
2greatGRo 24Gros 288Doz 1,728pairs 172.8SCOre
1,567 +1.567k 0.1567e-2m
25.123kK 25.123m 2.5123e-00002G
25.123kiKI 25.123Mi 2.5123e-00002Gi +.25123E-7Ei
-.25123e-34Vikki 2e-77gooGols
9! 9!! 9!!! 9!!!! 9!!!!! 9!!!!!! 9!!!!!!! 9!!!!!!!! 9!!!!!!!!!
printf "%16s: %s\n", $_, comma .&units for $test.words;
# Task required stupid layout
# say "\n In: $_\nOut: ",{comma .&units}).join(' ') for $test.lines;