Price list behind API
# 20210208 Raku programming solution
my \minDelta = 1;
sub getMaxPrice { @_.max }
sub getPRangeCount(@prices,\min,\max) { +@prices.grep: min ≤ * ≤ max }
sub get5000(@prices, $min, $max is copy, \n) {
my $count = getPRangeCount(@prices, $min, $max);
my $delta = ($max - $min) / 2;
while $count != n && $delta ≥ minDelta/2 {
$count > n ?? ($max -= $delta) !! ($max += $delta);
$count = getPRangeCount(@prices, $min, $max);
$delta /= 2;
$max, $count
sub getAll5000(@prices, \min, \max, \n) {
my ( $pmax, $pcount ) = get5000(@prices, min, max, n);
my @res = [ min, $pmax, $pcount ] , ;
while $pmax < max {
my $pmin = $pmax + 1;
( $pmax, $pcount ) = get5000(@prices, $pmin, max, n);
$pcount == 0 and note "Price list from $pmin has too many duplicates.";
@res.push: [ $pmin, $pmax, $pcount ];
my $numPrices = (99000..101001).roll;
my \maxPrice = 1e5;
my @prices = (1..$numPrices+1).roll xx $numPrices ;
my $actualMax = getMaxPrice(@prices);
say "Using $numPrices items with prices from 0 to $actualMax:";
my @res = getAll5000(@prices, 0, $actualMax, 5000);
say "Split into ", +@res, " bins of approx 5000 elements:";
for @res -> @row {
my ($min,$max,$subtotal) = @row;
$max = $actualMax if $max > $actualMax ;
printf " From %6d to %6d with %4d items\n", $min, $max, $subtotal
Using 99506 items with prices from 0 to 99507:
Split into 20 bins of approx 5000 elements:
From 0 to 4983 with 5000 items
From 4984 to 10034 with 5003 items
From 10035 to 15043 with 4998 items
From 15044 to 20043 with 5001 items
From 20044 to 24987 with 5001 items
From 24988 to 30000 with 4998 items
From 30001 to 34954 with 5000 items
From 34955 to 40018 with 5000 items
From 40019 to 45016 with 5000 items
From 45017 to 49950 with 5000 items
From 49951 to 54877 with 4999 items
From 54878 to 59880 with 5002 items
From 59881 to 64807 with 5001 items
From 64808 to 69800 with 5000 items
From 69801 to 74897 with 5000 items
From 74898 to 79956 with 5002 items
From 79957 to 85037 with 5000 items
From 85038 to 90118 with 5001 items
From 90119 to 95169 with 5001 items
From 95170 to 99507 with 4470 items
Last updated
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