For brevity, changed to zero-based and skipped some error handling.
# 20210914 Raku programming solution
my (\easy,\hard) = 1,4 ; my @n = ^16; my \level = $ = easy ; my \moves = $ = 0;
sub hasWon { @n eq ^16 }
sub setDiff($level) {
say "\nTarget is ", ( moves = $level == hard ?? 12 !! 3 ).Str, " moves.";
for ^moves {
my \s = (^4).roll;
@n[ ( [ s, s+4 ... s+12 ] , [ s*4 .. s*4+3 ] ).roll ] .= rotate ;
redo if hasWon
sub drawGrid {
say "\n U1 U2 U3 U4";
say " ╔════╦════╦════╦════╗";
printf "L1 ║ %2d ║ %2d ║ %2d ║ %2d ║ R1\n", @n[0..3];
say " ╠════╬════╬════╬════╣";
printf "L2 ║ %2d ║ %2d ║ %2d ║ %2d ║ R2\n", @n[4..7];
say " ╠════╬════╬════╬════╣";
printf "L3 ║ %2d ║ %2d ║ %2d ║ %2d ║ R3\n", @n[8..11];
say " ╠════╬════╬════╬════╣";
printf "L4 ║ %2d ║ %2d ║ %2d ║ %2d ║ R4\n", @n[12..15];
say " ╚════╩════╩════╩════╝";
say " D1 D2 D3 D4\n"
sub init {
loop {
print "Enter difficulty level easy or hard E/H : ";
given $*IN.get.uc {
when 'E'|'H' { level = $_ eq 'H' ?? hard !! easy ; last }
default { say "Invalid response, try again." }
moves = 0;
loop {
if hasWon() {
say "Congratulations, you have won the game in {moves} moves.\n" and exit
say "When entering moves, you can also enter Q to quit or S to start again.";
say "\nMoves so far = {moves}\n";
print "Enter move : " ;
given $*IN.get.uc {
my \c = .substr(*-1).ord - 49 ; moves++ ;
when 'D1'|'D2'|'D3'|'D4' { @n[ (12,8,4,0) >>+>> c ] .= rotate }
when 'L1'|'L2'|'L3'|'L4' { @n[ (0,1,2,3) >>+>> 4*c ] .= rotate }
when 'U1'|'U2'|'U3'|'U4' { @n[ (0,4,8,12) >>+>> c ] .= rotate }
when 'R1'|'R2'|'R3'|'R4' { @n[ (3,2,1,0) >>+>> 4*c ] .= rotate }
when 'Q' { exit }
when 'S' { init }
default { say "\nInvalid move, try again." and moves-- }
Last updated
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