No need for a special type in Raku, since the Rat type is used for normal fractions.
(In order to achieve imprecision, you have to explicitly use scientific notation, or use the Num type, or calculate a result that requires a denominator in excess of 2 ** 64. (There's no limit on the numerator.))
my @check = q:to/END/ { [.split(/\s+/)] };
Hamburger 5.50 4000000000000000
Milkshake 2.86 2
my $tax-rate = 0.0765;
my $fmt = "%-10s %8s %18s %22s\n";
printf $fmt, <Item Price Quantity Extension>;
my $subtotal = [+] -> [$item,$price,$quant] {
my $extension = $price * $quant;
printf $fmt, $item, $price, $quant, fix2($extension);
printf $fmt, '', '', '', '-----------------';
printf $fmt, '', '', 'Subtotal ', $subtotal;
my $tax = ($subtotal * $tax-rate).round(0.01);
printf $fmt, '', '', 'Tax ', $tax;
my $total = $subtotal + $tax;
printf $fmt, '', '', 'Total ', $total;
# make up for lack of a Rat fixed-point printf format
sub fix2($x) { ($x + 0.001).subst(/ <?after \.\d\d> .* $ /, '') }