Hofstadter Q sequence

OO solution

Similar concept as the perl5 solution, except that the cache is only filled on demand.

class Hofstadter {
  has @!c = 1,1;
  method AT-POS ($me: Int $i) {
    @!c.push($me[@!c.elems-$me[@!c.elems-1]] +
	     $me[@!c.elems-$me[@!c.elems-2]]) until @!c[$i]:exists;
    return @!c[$i];

# Testing:

my Hofstadter $Q .= new();

say "first ten: $Q[^10]";
say "1000th: $Q[999]";

my $count = 0;
$count++ if $Q[$_ +1 ] < $Q[$_] for  ^99_999;
say "In the first 100_000 terms, $count terms are less than their preceding terms";


first ten: 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6
1000th: 502
In the first 100_000 terms, 49798 terms are less than their preceding terms

Idiomatic solution

With a lazily generated array, we automatically get caching.

my @Q = 1, 1, -> $a, $b {
    (state $n = 1)++;
    @Q[$n - $a] + @Q[$n - $b]
} ... *;

# Testing:

say "first ten: ", @Q[^10];
say "1000th: ", @Q[999];
say "In the first 100_000 terms, ",
   [+](@Q[1..100000] Z< @Q[0..99999]),
   " terms are less than their preceding terms";

(Same output.)

Last updated

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