Law of cosines - triples

In each routine, race is used to allow concurrent operations, requiring the use of the atomic increment operator, ⚛++, to safely update @triples, which must be declared fixed-sized, as an auto-resizing array is not thread-safe. At exit, default values in @triples are filtered out with the test !eqv Any.

multi triples (60, $n) {
    my %sq = (1..$n).map: { .² => $_ };
    my atomicint $i = 0;
    my @triples[2*$n];
    (1..^$n).race(:8degree).map: -> $a {
        for $a^..$n -> $b {
            my $cos = $a * $a + $b * $b - $a * $b;
            @triples[$i⚛++] = $a, %sq{$cos}, $b if %sq{$cos}:exists;
    @triples.grep: so *;

multi triples (90, $n) {
    my %sq = (1..$n).map: { .² => $_ };
    my atomicint $i = 0;
    my @triples[2*$n];
    (1..^$n).race(:8degree).map: -> $a {
        for $a^..$n -> $b {
            my $cos = $a * $a + $b * $b;
            @triples[$i⚛++] = $a, $b, %sq{$cos} and last if %sq{$cos}:exists;
    @triples.grep: so *;

multi triples (120, $n) {
    my %sq = (1..$n).map: { .² => $_ };
    my atomicint $i = 0;
    my @triples[2*$n];
    (1..^$n).race(:8degree).map: -> $a {
        for $a^..$n -> $b {
            my $cos = $a * $a + $b * $b + $a * $b;
            @triples[$i⚛++] = $a, $b, %sq{$cos} and last if %sq{$cos}:exists;
    @triples.grep: so *;

use Sort::Naturally;

my $n = 13;
say "Integer triangular triples for sides 1..$n:";
for 120, 90, 60 -> $angle {
    my @itt = triples($angle, $n);
    if $angle == 60 { push @itt, "$_ $_ $_" for 1..$n }
    printf "Angle %3d° has %2d solutions: %s\n", $angle, +@itt, @itt.sort(&naturally).join(', ');

my ($angle, $count) = 60, 10_000;
say "\nExtra credit:";
say "$angle° integer triples in the range 1..$count where the sides are not all the same length: ", +triples($angle, $count);


Integer triangular triples for sides 1..13:
Angle 120° has  2 solutions: 3 5 7, 7 8 13
Angle  90° has  3 solutions: 3 4 5, 5 12 13, 6 8 10
Angle  60° has 15 solutions: 1 1 1, 2 2 2, 3 3 3, 3 7 8, 4 4 4, 5 5 5, 5 7 8, 6 6 6, 7 7 7, 8 8 8, 9 9 9, 10 10 10, 11 11 11, 12 12 12, 13 13 13

Extra credit:
60° integer triples in the range 1..10000 where the sides are not all the same length: 18394

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