Forest fire

ANSI graphics

This version saves a lot of looking around by using four states instead of three; the Heating state does a lookahead to track trees that are being heated up by burning trees, so we only ever have to traverse the neighbors of burning trees, not all trees. Also, by only checking the list of burning trees, we can avoid copying the entire forest each iteration, since real forests are mutable.

constant $RED = "\e[1;31m";
constant $YELLOW = "\e[1;33m";
constant $GREEN = "\e[1;32m";
constant $CLEAR = "\e[0m";
# make sure we clear colors at the end
END print $CLEAR;
enum Cell-State <Empty Tree Heating Burning>;
my @pix = '  ', $GREEN ~ '木', $YELLOW ~ '木', $RED ~ '木';
class Forest {
    has Rat $.p = 0.01;
    has Rat $.f = 0.001;
    has Int $!height;
    has Int $!width;
    has @!coords;
    has @!spot;
    has @!neighbors;

    method BUILD (Int :$!height, Int :$!width) {
	@!coords = ^$!height X ^$!width;
	@!spot = [ (Bool.pick ?? Tree !! Empty) xx $!width ] xx $!height;
    method !init-neighbors {
        for @!coords -> ($i, $j) {
            @!neighbors[$i][$j] = eager gather for
                    [-1,+0],        [+1,+0],
		take-rw @!spot[$i + .[0]][$j + .[1]] // next;
    method step {
	my @heat;
        for @!coords -> ($i, $j) {
            given @!spot[$i][$j] {
                when Empty   { $_ = Tree if rand < $!p }
                when Tree    { $_ = Heating if rand < $!f }
                when Heating { $_ = Burning; push @heat, ($i, $j); }
                when Burning { $_ = Empty }
	for @heat -> ($i,$j) {
	    $_ = Heating for @!neighbors[$i][$j].grep(Tree);
    method show {
        for ^$!height -> $i {
            say @pix[@!spot[$i].list].join;

my ($ROWS, $COLS) = qx/stty size/.words;

signal(SIGINT).act: { print "\e[H\e[2J"; exit }

sub MAIN (Int $height = $ROWS - 2, Int $width = +$COLS div 2 - 1) {
    my Forest $forest .= new(:$height, :$width);
    print "\e[2J";      # ANSI clear screen
    loop {
	print "\e[H";   # ANSI home
	say $++;

SDL2 Animation

An alternate version implemented in SDL2.

use NativeCall;
use SDL2::Raw;

my ($width, $height) = 900, 900;

my SDL_Window $window = SDL_CreateWindow(
    "Forest Fire - Raku",
    $width, $height,
my SDL_Renderer $renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer( $window, -1, ACCELERATED +| PRESENTVSYNC );


my int ($w, $h) = 200, 200;

my $forest_texture = SDL_CreateTexture($renderer, %PIXELFORMAT<RGB332>, STREAMING, $w, $h);

my $pixdatabuf  = CArray[int64].new(0, $w, $h, $w);
my $work-buffer = CArray[int64].new(0, $w, $h, $w);

my int $bare    = 0;    # Black
my int $tree    = 8;    # Green
my int $heating = -120; # Orange ( 132 but it's being passed into an int8 )
my int $burning = 128;  # Red
my int $buf = $w * $h;
my $humidity    = .7;  # Chance that a tree next to a burning tree will resist catching fire
my $tree-spawn  = .75; # Initial probability that a space will contain a tree. Probability
                       # will be adjusted (way down) once rendering starts.

sub render {

    # work-around to pass the pointer-pointer.
    my $pixdata = nativecast(Pointer[int64], $pixdatabuf);
    SDL_LockTexture($forest_texture, SDL_Rect, $pixdata, my int $pitch);

    $pixdata = nativecast(CArray[int8],$pixdatabuf[0]));

    loop (my int $row; $row < $h; $row = $row + 1) {
        my int $rs = $row * $w; # row start
        my int $re = $rs  + $w; # row end
        loop (my int $idx = $rs; $idx < $re; $idx = $idx + 1) {
            # Skip it if it is a tree
            next if $pixdata[$idx] == $tree;
            if $pixdata[$idx] == $bare {
                # Maybe spawn a tree on bare ground
                $work-buffer[$idx] = rand < $tree-spawn ?? $tree !! $bare;
            } elsif $pixdata[$idx] == $heating {
                # Check if there are trees around a hot spot and light them if humidity is low enough
                $work-buffer[$idx - $w - 1] = $heating if rand > $humidity && $pixdata[$idx - $w - 1] && $row > 0;
                $work-buffer[$idx - $w    ] = $heating if rand > $humidity && $pixdata[$idx - $w    ] && $row > 0;
                $work-buffer[$idx - $w + 1] = $heating if rand > $humidity && $pixdata[$idx - $w + 1] && $row > 0;
                $work-buffer[$idx - 1     ] = $heating if rand > $humidity && $pixdata[$idx -  1    ];
                $work-buffer[$idx + $w - 1] = $heating if rand > $humidity && $pixdata[$idx + $w - 1];
                $work-buffer[$idx + $w    ] = $heating if rand > $humidity && $pixdata[$idx + $w    ];
                $work-buffer[$idx + $w + 1] = $heating if rand > $humidity && $pixdata[$idx + $w + 1];
                $work-buffer[$idx + 1     ] = $heating if rand > $humidity && $pixdata[$idx +  1    ];

                # Hotspot becomes a flame
                $work-buffer[$idx] = $burning
            } else {
                # Extinguish a flame after fuel is gone
                $work-buffer[$idx] = $bare;
    # copy working buffer to main texture buffer
    loop (my int $i; $i < $buf; $i = $i + 1) { $pixdata[$i] = $work-buffer[$i] }

    # start a fire maybe
    $pixdata[$buf.rand] = $heating if rand < .1;


    SDL_RenderCopy($renderer, $forest_texture, SDL_Rect,, :y(0), :w($width), :h($height)));
    once $tree-spawn = .005;

my $event =;

enum KEY_CODES ( K_Q => 20 );

main: loop {

    while SDL_PollEvent($event) {
        my $casted_event = SDL_CastEvent($event);

        given $casted_event {
            when *.type == QUIT {
                last main;
            when *.type == KEYDOWN {
                if KEY_CODES(.scancode) -> $comm {
                    given $comm {
                        when 'K_Q'      { last main }
            when *.type == WINDOWEVENT {
                if .event == RESIZED {
                    $width  = .data1;
                    $height = .data2;
    print fps;
say '';

sub fps {
    state $fps-frames = 0;
    state $fps-now    = now;
    state $fps        = '';
    if now - $fps-now >= 1 {
        $fps = [~] "\b" x 40, ' ' x 20, "\b" x 20 ,
            sprintf "FPS: %5.2f  ", ($fps-frames / (now - $fps-now)).round(.01);
        $fps-frames = 0;
        $fps-now = now;

Last updated

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