Heronian triangles
sub hero($a, $b, $c) {
my $s = ($a + $b + $c) / 2;
($s * ($s - $a) * ($s - $b) * ($s - $c)).sqrt;
sub heronian-area($a, $b, $c) {
$_ when Int given hero($a, $b, $c).narrow;
sub primitive-heronian-area($a, $b, $c) {
heronian-area $a, $b, $c
if 1 == [gcd] $a, $b, $c;
sub show(@measures) {
say " Area Perimeter Sides";
for @measures -> [$area, $perim, $c, $b, $a] {
printf "%6d %6d %12s\n", $area, $perim, "$a×$b×$c";
sub MAIN ($maxside = 200, $first = 10, $witharea = 210) {
my @hh[1000];
my atomicint $i;
(1 .. $maxside).race(:12batch).map: -> $c {
for 1 .. $c -> $b {
for $c - $b + 1 .. $b -> $a {
if primitive-heronian-area($a,$b,$c) -> $area {
@hh[$i⚛++] = [$area, $a+$b+$c, $c, $b, $a];
my @h = (@hh.grep: so *).sort;
say "Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to $maxside: ", +@h;
say "\nFirst $first:";
show @h[^$first];
say "\nArea $witharea:";
show @h.grep: *[0] == $witharea;
Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517
First 10:
Area Perimeter Sides
6 12 3×4×5
12 16 5×5×6
12 18 5×5×8
24 32 4×13×15
30 30 5×12×13
36 36 9×10×17
36 54 3×25×26
42 42 7×15×20
60 36 10×13×13
60 40 8×15×17
Area 210:
Area Perimeter Sides
210 70 17×25×28
210 70 20×21×29
210 84 12×35×37
210 84 17×28×39
210 140 7×65×68
210 300 3×148×149
Last updated
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