Fibonacci matrix-exponentiation
Following the general approach of Sidef, and relying on Perl for fibmod
function. Borrowed/adapted routines from Ramanujan's_constant task to allow FatRat
calculations throughout. Does not quite meet task spec, as n^64 results not working yet.
use Math::Matrix;
use Inline::Perl5;
my $p5 =;
$p5.use( 'Math::AnyNum' );
constant D = 53; # set the size of FatRat calcluations
# matrix exponentiation
sub fibonacci ($n) {
my $M = [[1,1],[1,0]] );
($M ** $n)[0][1]
# calculation of đ
sub postfix:<!> (Int $n) { (constant f = 1, |[\Ă] 1..*)[$n] }
sub đ (--> FatRat) { sum map {,.!) }, ^D }
# calculation of Ï
sub Ï (--> FatRat) {
my ($a, $n, $g, $z, $pi) = 1, 1, sqrt(1/2.FatRat), 0.25;
for ^5 {
given [ ($a + $g)/2, sqrt $a Ă $g ] {
$z -= (.[0] - $a)**2 Ă $n;
$n += $n;
($a, $g) = @$_;
$pi = ($a ** 2 / $z).substr: 0, 2 + D
# square-root: accepts/return FatRat
multi sqrt(FatRat $r --> FatRat) { sqrt($r.nude[0] Ă 10**(DĂ2) div $r.nude[1]), 10**D
# square-root: accepts/return Int
multi sqrt(Int $n --> Int) {
my $guess = 10**($n.chars div 2);
my $iterator = { ( $^x + $n div ($^x) ) div 2 };
my $endpoint = { $^x == $^y|$^z };
min ($guess, $iterator ⊠$endpoint)[*-1, *-2]
# arithmetic-geometric mean: accepts/returns FatRat
sub AG-mean(FatRat $a is copy, FatRat $g is copy --> FatRat) {
($a, $g) = ($a + $g)/2, sqrt $a Ă $g until $a - $g < 10**-D;
# override built-in definitions with 'FatRat' versions
constant đ = &đ();
constant Ï = &Ï();
# approximation of natural log, accepts any numeric, returns FatRat
sub log-approx ($x --> FatRat) {
constant ln2 = 2 * [+] (((1/3).FatRat**(2*$_+1))/(2*$_+1) for 0..D); # 1/3 = (2-1)/(2+1)
Ï / (2 Ă AG-mean(1.FatRat, 2.FatRat**(2-D)/$x)) - D Ă ln2
# power function, with exponent less than zero: accepts/returns FatRat
multi infix:<**> (FatRat $base, FatRat $exp is copy where * < 0 --> FatRat) {
constant Δ = 10**-D;
my ($low, $high) = 0.FatRat, 1.FatRat;
my $mid = $high / 2;
my $acc = my $sqr = sqrt($base);
$exp = -$exp;
while (abs($mid - $exp) > Δ) {
$sqr = sqrt($sqr);
if ($mid <= $exp) { $low = $mid; $acc Ă= $sqr }
else { $high = $mid; $acc Ă= 1/$sqr }
$mid = ($low + $high) / 2
(1/$acc).substr(0, D).FatRat
sub binet_approx (Int $n --> FatRat) {
constant PHI = sqrt(1.25.FatRat) + 0.5Â ;
constant IHP = -(sqrt(1.25.FatRat) - 0.5);
$n Ă log-approx(PHI) - log-approx(PHI - IHP)
sub nth_fib_first_k_digits ($n,$k) {
my $f = binet_approx($n);
my $log10 = log-approx(10);
floor( đ**($f - $log10Ă(floor($f/$log10 + 1))) Ă 10**$k)
my &nth_fib_last_k_digits =
$'sub { my($n,$k) = @_; Math::AnyNum::fibmod($n, 10**$k) }');
# matrix exponentiation is very inefficient, n^64 not feasible
for (16, 32) -> $n {
my $f = fibonacci(2**$n);
printf "F(2^$n) = %s ... %s\n", substr($f,0,20), $f % 10**20
# this way is much faster, but not yet able to handle 2^64 case
for 16, 32 -> $n {
my $first20 = nth_fib_first_k_digits(2**$n, 20);
my $last20 = nth_fib_last_k_digits(2**$n, 20);
printf "F(2^$n) = %s ... %s\n", $first20, $last20
F(2^16) = 73199214460290552832 ... 97270190955307463227
F(2^32) = 61999319689381859818 ... 39623735538208076347
F(2^16) = 73199214460290552832 ... 97270190955307463227
F(2^32) = 61999319689381859818 ... 39623735538208076347
Last updated