S-expressionsSafe additionSafe and Sophie Germain primesSafe modeSafe primes and unsafe primesSailors coconuts and a monkey problemSame fringeSanitize user inputSattolo cycleScopeScope modifiersSealed classes and methodsSearch a listSearch a list of recordsSearch in paragraph's textSecure temporary fileSEDOLsSegmentation fault protectionSelection bias in clinical sciencesSelective file copySelectively replace multiple instances of a character within a stringSelf-describing numbersSelf-hosting compilerSelf numbersSemiprimeSemordnilapSend an unknown method callSend emailSEND MORE MONEYSeparate the house number from the street nameSequence nth number with exactly n divisorsSequence of non-squaresSequence of primes by trial divisionSequence of primorial primesSequence smallest number greater than previous term with exactly n divisorsSequence smallest number with exactly n divisorsSetSet consolidationSet of real numbersSet puzzleSet right-adjacent bitsSet the card gameSeven-sided dice from five-sided diceSexy primesSHA-1SHA-256SHA-256 Merkle treeShell one-linerShift list elements to left by 3Shoelace formula for polygonal areaShort-circuit evaluationShortest common supersequenceShow ASCII tableShow the decimal value of a number of 1s appended with a 3 then squaredShow the epochSierpinski arrowhead curveSierpinski carpetSierpinski curveSierpinski pentagonSierpinski square curveSierpinski triangleSieve of EratosthenesSieve of PritchardSimple databaseSimple windowed applicationSimulate inputSimulated annealingSine waveSingletonSingly-linked listSingular value decompositionSisyphus sequenceSleepSleeping Beauty problemSmallest enclosing circle problemSmallest multipleSmallest number k such that k 2 m is composite for all m less than kSmallest numbersSmallest power of 6 whose decimal expansion contains nSmallest square that begins with nSmarandache-Wellin primesSmarandache prime-digital sequenceSmith numbersSnakeSnake and ladderSOAPSocketsSokobanSoloway's recurring rainfallSolve a Hidato puzzleSolve a Holy Knight's tourSolve a Hopido puzzleSolve a Numbrix puzzleSolve a Rubik's cubeSolve equations with substitution methodSolve hanging lantern problemSolve the no connection puzzleSolve triangle solitaire puzzleSorensen Dice coefficientSort a list of object identifiersSort an array of composite structuresSort an integer arraySort an outline at every levelSort disjoint sublistSort numbers lexicographicallySort primes from list to a listSort stabilitySort the letters of string in alphabetical orderSort three variablesSort using a custom comparatorSorting algorithmsSoundexSparkline in unicodeSpecial charactersSpecial divisorsSpecial factorialsSpecial neighbor primesSpecial pythagorean tripletSpecial variablesSpeech synthesisSpelling of ordinal numbersSphenic numbersSpinning rod animationSpiral matrixSplit a character string based on change of characterSpoof gameSQL-based authenticationSquare-free integersSquare but not cubeSquare form factorizationSquare root by handStable marriage problemStackStack tracesStair-climbing puzzleStart from a main routineStarting a web browserState name puzzleStatisticsSteady squaresSteffensen's methodStem-and-leaf plotStern-Brocot sequenceStirling numbers of the first kindStirling numbers of the second kindStraddling checkerboardStrange numbersStrange plus numbersStrange unique prime tripletsStrassen's algorithmStream mergeString appendString caseString comparisonString concatenationString interpolation includedString lengthString matchingString prependStrip a set of characters from a stringStrip block commentsStrip comments from a stringStrip control codes and extended characters from a stringStrip whitespace from a stringStrong and weak primesSturmian wordSub-unit squaresSubleqSubset sum problemSubstitution cipherSubstringSubstring primesSubtractive generatorSuccessive prime differencesSudan functionSudokuSuffix treeSuffixation of decimal numbersSum and product of an arraySum and product puzzleSum data typeSum digits of an integerSum multiples of 3 and 5Sum of a seriesSum of divisorsSum of elements below main diagonal of matrixSum of first n cubesSum of primes in odd positions is primeSum of square and cube digits of an integer are primesSum of squaresSum of the digits of n is substring of nSum of two adjacent numbers are primesSum to 100Summarize and say sequenceSummarize primesSummation of primesSunflower fractalSuper-d numbersSuper-Poulet numbersSuperellipseSuperpermutation minimisationSutherland-Hodgman polygon clippingSylvester's sequenceSymmetric differenceSync subtitlesSynchronous concurrencySystem timeSzymański's algorithm
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