Zebra puzzle
A rule driven approach:
my Hash @houses = (1 .. 5).map: { %(:num($_)) }; # 1 there are five houses
my @facts = (
{ :nat<English>, :color<red> }, # 2 The English man lives in the red house.
{ :nat<Swede>, :pet<dog> }, # 3 The Swede has a dog.
{ :nat<Dane>, :drink<tea> }, # 4 The Dane drinks tea.
{ :color<green>, :Left-Of(:color<white>) }, # 5 the green house is immediately to the left of the white house
{ :drink<coffee>, :color<green> }, # 6 They drink coffee in the green house.
{ :smoke<Pall-Mall>, :pet<birds> }, # 7 The man who smokes Pall Mall has birds.
{ :color<yellow>, :smoke<Dunhill> }, # 8 In the yellow house they smoke Dunhill.
{ :num(3), :drink<milk> }, # 9 In the middle house they drink milk.
{ :num(1), :nat<Norwegian> }, # 10 The Norwegian lives in the first house.
{ :smoke<Blend>, :Next-To(:pet<cats>) }, # 11 The man who smokes Blend lives in the house next to the house with cats.
{ :pet<horse>, :Next-To(:smoke<Dunhill>) }, # 12 In a house next to the house where they have a horse, they smoke Dunhill.
{ :smoke<Blue-Master>, :drink<beer> }, # 13 The man who smokes Blue Master drinks beer.
{ :nat<German>, :smoke<Prince> }, # 14 The German smokes Prince.
{ :nat<Norwegian>, :Next-To(:color<blue>) }, # 15 The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
{ :drink<water>, :Next-To(:smoke<Blend>) }, # 16 They drink water in a house next to the house where they smoke Blend.
{ :pet<zebra> }, # who owns this?
sub MAIN {
for gather solve(@houses, @facts) {
#-- output
say .head.sort.map(*.key.uc.fmt("%-9s")).join(' | ');
say .sort.map(*.value.fmt("%-9s")).join(' | ')
for .list;
last; # stop after first solution
#| a solution has been found that fits all the facts
multi sub solve(@solution, @facts [ ]) {
take @solution;
#| extend this scenario to fit the next fact
multi sub solve(@scenario, [ $fact, *@facts ]) {
for gather match(@scenario, |$fact) -> @houses {
solve(@houses, @facts)
#| find all possible solutions for pairs of houses with
#| properties %b, left of a house with properties %a
multi sub match(@houses, :Left-Of(%a)!, *%b) {
for 1 ..^ @houses {
my %left-house := @houses[$_-1];
my %right-house := @houses[$_];
if plausible(%left-house, %a) && plausible(%right-house, %b) {
temp %left-house ,= %a;
temp %right-house ,= %b;
take @houses;
#| match these houses are next to each other (left or right)
multi sub match(@houses, :Next-To(%b)!, *%a ) {
match(@houses, |%a, :Left-Of(%b) );
match(@houses, |%b, :Left-Of(%a) );
#| find all possible houses that match the given properties
multi sub match(@houses, *%props) {
for @houses.grep({plausible($_, %props)}) -> %house {
temp %house ,= %props;
take @houses;
#| plausible if doesn't conflict with anything
sub plausible(%house, %props) {
! %props.first: {%house{.key} && %house{.key} ne .value };
yellow | water | Norwegian | 1 | cats | Dunhill
blue | tea | Dane | 2 | horse | Blend
red | milk | English | 3 | birds | Pall-Mall
green | coffee | German | 4 | zebra | Prince
white | beer | Swede | 5 | dog | Blue-Master
Note: Facts can be shuffled by changing line 3 to my @facts = pick *, (
. It seems to reliably find solutions, although execution times will vary (from under 1 sec up to about 10sec).
Last updated
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