Minesweeper game

enum Tile-Type <Empty Mine>;
class Tile {
    has Tile-Type $.type;
    has $.face is rw;
    method Str { with $!face { ~$!face } else { '.' } }
class Field {
    has @.grid;
    has Int $.width;
    has Int $.height;
    has Int $.mine-spots;
    has Int $.empty-spots;
    method new (Int $height, Int $width, Rat $mines-ratio=0.1) {
        my $mine-spots = round $width*$height*$mines-ratio;
        my $empty-spots = $width*$height - $mine-spots;
        my @grid;
        for ^$height X ^$width -> ($y, $x) {
            @grid[$y][$x] = Tile.new(type => Empty);
        for (^$height).pick($mine-spots) Z (^$width).pick($mine-spots) -> ($y, $x) {
            @grid[$y][$x] = Tile.new( type => Mine);
        self.bless(:$height, :$width, :@grid, :$mine-spots, :$empty-spots);
    method open( $y, $x) {
        return if @!grid[$y][$x].face.defined;
        self.end-game("KaBoom") if @!grid[$y][$x].type ~~ Mine;
        my @neighbors = gather do
	    take [$y+.[0],$x+.[1]]
		if 0 <= $y + .[0] < $!height && 0 <= $x + .[1] < $!width
		 for [-1,-1],[+0,-1],[+1,-1],
		     [-1,+0],        [+1,+0],
        my $mines = +@neighbors.grep: { @!grid[.[0]][.[1]].type ~~ Mine };

        @!grid[$y][$x].face = $mines || ' ';
        if $mines == 0 {
            self.open(.[0], .[1]) for @neighbors;
        self.end-game("You won") if $!empty-spots == 0;
    method end-game(Str $msg ) {
        for ^$!height X ^$!width -> ($y, $x) {
            @!grid[$y][$x].face = '*' if @!grid[$y][$x].type ~~ Mine
        die $msg;
    method mark ( $y, $x) {
        if !@!grid[$y][$x].face.defined {
            @!grid[$y][$x].face = "⚐";
            $!mine-spots-- if @!grid[$y][$x].type ~~ Mine;
	elsif !@!grid[$y][$x].face eq "⚐" {
            undefine @!grid[$y][$x].face;
            $!mine-spots++ if @!grid[$y][$x].type ~~ Mine;
        self.end-game("You won") if $!mine-spots == 0;
    constant @digs = |('a'..'z') xx *;

    method Str {
        [~] flat '  ', @digs[^$!width], "\n",
	         ' ┌', '─' xx $!width, "┐\n",
	    join '', do for ^$!height -> $y {
	      $y, '│', @!grid[$y][*],   "│\n"; },
	         ' └', '─' xx $!width, '┘';
    method valid ($y, $x) {
        0 <= $y < $!height && 0 <= $x < $!width

sub a2n($a) { $a.ord > 64 ?? $a.ord % 32 - 1 !! +$a }

my $f = Field.new(6,10);
loop {
    say ~$f;
    my @w = prompt("[open loc|mark loc|loc]: ").words;
    last unless @w;
    unshift @w, 'open' if @w < 2;
    my ($x,$y) = $0, $1 if @w[1] ~~ /(<alpha>)(<digit>)|$1=<digit>$0=<alpha>/;
    $x = a2n($x);
    given @w[0] {
	when !$f.valid($y,$x) { say "invalid coordinates" }
	when /^o/ { $f.open($y,$x)   }
	when /^m/ { $f.mark($y,$x)   }
	default     { say "invalid cmd" }
    CATCH {
	say "$_: end of game.";
say ~$f;

Last updated

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