Names to numbers
my $phrases-with-numbers = q:to/END/;
One Hundred and One Dalmatians
Two Thousand and One: A Space Odyssey
Four Score And Seven Years Ago
twelve dozen is one hundred forty-four, aka one gross
two hundred pairs of socks
Always give one hundred and ten percent effort
Change due: zero dollars and thirty-seven cents
One hour, fifty-nine minutes, forty point two seconds
π ≅ three point one four one five nine
my $pure-numbers = q:to/END/;
Twenty Nineteen
Two Thousand Nineteen
Two Thousand Zero Hundred and Nineteen
Two Thousand Ten Nine
one thousand one
ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine
five hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and nine
two billion, one hundred
One Thousand One Hundred Eleven
Eleven Hundred Eleven
one hundred eleven billion one hundred eleven
Eight Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty-Eight
Eighty-Eight Hundred Eighty-Eight
Forty-two quintillion, one quadrillion, two trillion, three billion, four million, five thousand six
my %nums = (
zero => 0, one => 1, two => 2, three => 3,
four => 4, five => 5, six => 6, seven => 7,
eight => 8, nine => 9, ten => 10, eleven => 11,
twelve => 12, thirteen => 13, fourteen => 14, fifteen => 15,
sixteen => 16, seventeen => 17, eighteen => 18, nineteen => 19,
twenty => 20, thirty => 30, forty => 40, fifty => 50,
sixty => 60, seventy => 70, eighty => 80, ninety => 90,
hundred => 100, thousand => 1_000, million => 1_000_000,
billion => 1_000_000_000, trillion => 1_000_000_000_000,
quadrillion => 1_000_000_000_000_000, quintillion => 1_000_000_000_000_000_000
# groupings: thousand million billion trillion quadrillion quintillion
my token groups { \d**4 | \d**7 | \d**10 | \d**13 | \d**16 | \d**19 };
# remove hyphens/spaces: leading, trailing, multiple
sub squeeze ($str is copy) { $str ~~ s:g/'-' | \s+ / /; $str .=trim }
# commify larger numbers for readabilty
sub comma { $^i.chars > 4 ?? $^i.flip.comb(3).join(',').flip !! $^i }
sub numify ($str is copy) {
$str = squeeze $;
$str ~~ s:g/(.)(<punct>)/$0 $1/;
for %nums.kv -> $word, $number { $str ~~ s:g/ <|w> $word <|w> / $number / }
$str ~~ s:g/(\d+)<ws> <?before \d>/$0/ if $str ~~ /(point )<ws>[(\d)<ws>]+$/;
$str ~~ s:g/(\d+) <ws> 'score' / {$0 * 20} /;
$str ~~ s:g/(\d) <ws> [','|'and'] <ws> (\d)/$0 $1/;
$str ~~ s:g/ <|w> (\d) <ws> 100 <ws> (\d\d) <ws> (\d) <ws> (<groups>) <|w> / {($0 * 100 + $1 + $2) * $3} /;
$str ~~ s:g/ <|w> (\d) <ws> 100 <ws> (\d ** 1..2) <ws> (<groups>) <|w> / {($0 * 100 + $1) * $2} /;
$str ~~ s:g/ <|w> (\d) <ws> 100 <ws> (<groups>) <|w> / { $0 * 100 * $1} /;
$str ~~ s:g/ <|w> <ws> 100 <ws> (\d\d) <ws> (\d) <ws> (<groups>) <|w> / {($0 + 100 + $1) * $2} /;
$str ~~ s:g/ <|w> <ws> 100 <ws> (\d ** 1..2) <ws> (<groups>) <|w> / {($0 + 100 ) * $1} /;
$str ~~ s:g/ <|w> <ws> 100 <ws> (<groups>) <|w> / { $0 * 100} /;
$str ~~ s:g/ <|w> (\d\d) <ws> (\d) <ws> (<groups>) <|w> / {($0 + $1) * $2} /;
$str ~~ s:g/ <|w> (\d ** 1..2) <ws> (<groups>) <|w> / { $0 * $1} /;
$str ~~ s:g/ <|w> (\d\d) <ws> (\d) <ws> 100 <|w> / {($0 + $1) * 100} /;
$str ~~ s:g/ <|w> (\d ** 1..2) <ws> 100 <|w> / { $0 * 100} /;
$str ~~ s:g/ <|w> (\d ** 2)<ws>(\d ** 2) <|w> / { $0 * 100 + $1} /;
$str ~~ s:g/( [\d+<ws>]* \d+ ) / {[+] $0.split: ' '} /;
$str ~~ s:g/(\d+) <ws> 'pairs of' / {$0 * 2} /;
$str ~~ s:g/(\d+) <ws> 'dozen' / {$0 * 12} /;
$str ~~ s:g/(\d+) <ws> 'point' <ws> (\d+) / $0.$1 /;
$str ~~ s:g/(\d+) <ws> 'percent' / $0% /;
$str ~~ s:g/(\d+) <ws> 'dollars' / \$$0 /;
$str ~~ s:g/(\d+) <ws> 'cents' / $0¢ /;
squeeze $str;
say $_ ~ ' --> ' ~ .&numify for $phrases-with-numbers.split("\n").grep: *.so;
say $_ ~ ' --> ' ~ .&numify.&comma for $pure-numbers.split("\n").grep: *.so;
One Hundred and One Dalmatians --> 101 dalmatians
Two Thousand and One: A Space Odyssey --> 2001 : a space odyssey
Four Score And Seven Years Ago --> 87 years ago
twelve dozen is one hundred forty-four, aka one gross --> 144 is 144 , aka 1 gross
two hundred pairs of socks --> 400 socks
Always give one hundred and ten percent effort --> always give 110% effort
Change due: zero dollars and thirty-seven cents --> change due : $0 and 37¢
One hour, fifty-nine minutes, forty point two seconds --> 1 hour , 59 minutes , 40.2 seconds
π ≅ three point one four one five nine --> π ≅ 3.14159
Twenty Nineteen --> 2019
Two Thousand Nineteen --> 2019
Two Thousand Zero Hundred and Nineteen --> 2019
Two Thousand Ten Nine --> 2019
one thousand one --> 1001
ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine --> 99,999
five hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and nine --> 512,609
two billion, one hundred --> 2,000,000,100
One Thousand One Hundred Eleven --> 1111
Eleven Hundred Eleven --> 1111
one hundred eleven billion one hundred eleven --> 111,000,000,111
Eight Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty-Eight --> 8888
Eighty-Eight Hundred Eighty-Eight --> 8888
Forty-two quintillion, one quadrillion, two trillion, three billion, four million, five thousand six --> 42,001,002,003,004,005,006
Last updated
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