This version regularizes (ignores) case and ignores non alphanumeric characters. It is only concerned with finding the longest palindromic substrings so does not exhaustively find all possible palindromes. If a palindromic substring is found to be part of a longer palindrome, it is not captured separately. Showing the longest 5 palindromic substring groups. Run it with no parameters to operate on the default; pass in a file name to run it against that instead.
my @chars = ( @*ARGS[0] ?? @*ARGS[0].IO.slurp !! q:to/BOB/ ) .lc.comb: /\w/; Lyrics to "Bob" copyright Weird Al Yankovic I, man, am regal - a German am I Never odd or even If I had a hi-fi Madam, I'm Adam Too hot to hoot No lemons, no melon Too bad I hid a boot Lisa Bonet ate no basil Warsaw was raw Was it a car or a cat I saw? Rise to vote, sir Do geese see God? "Do nine men interpret?" "Nine men," I nod Rats live on no evil star Won't lovers revolt now? Race fast, safe car Pa's a sap Ma is as selfless as I am May a moody baby doom a yam? Ah, Satan sees Natasha No devil lived on Lonely Tylenol Not a banana baton No "x" in "Nixon" O, stone, be not so O Geronimo, no minor ego "Naomi," I moan "A Toyota's a Toyota" A dog, a panic in a pagoda Oh no! Don Ho! Nurse, I spy gypsies - run! Senile felines Now I see bees I won UFO tofu We panic in a pew Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo God! A red nugget! A fat egg under a dog! Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog! BOB#"my @cpfoa = flat(1 ..^ @chars).race(:1000batch).map: -> \idx {my @s;for 1, 2 {myint ($rev, $fwd) = $_, 1; loop { quietly lastif ($rev > idx) || (@chars[idx - $rev] ne @chars[idx + $fwd]); $rev = $rev + 1; $fwd = $fwd + 1; } @s.push: @chars[idx - $rev ^..^ idx + $fwd].joinif $rev + $fwd > 2;lastif @chars[idx - 1] ne @chars[idx]; }nextunless +@s; @s}"{.key} ({+.value})\t{.value.unique.sort}".put for @cpfoa.classify( *.chars ).sort( -*.key ).head(5);
This isn't intensively optimised but isn't too shabby either. When run against the first million digits of pi: 1000000 digits of pi text file (Pass in the file path/name at the command line) we get: